
Chapter-3: Mother Teresa Orphanage.


Case of a robbery


Chapter-3: Mother Teresa Orphanage.


Next day in the major Police Station everyone is sitting and busy with their work. Some of them reading files, someone of them busy on their computers.

Senior officer Connor arrived…everyone stands and gives salute. Connor respond them and take his seat.


Lisa and May both have arrived at same time.


"All officers did you find something…about recent happened robbery." Asked by Lisa. "And Andrew did you find something in CCTV footage…"

"William did you find our stolen police car 212 through GPS?"

"Sorry madam… I can't find anything in CCTV footage. All footage is blurry." Answered by Andrew.

"There is no signal coming from GPS madam." Answered by William.


"Wow… what a good start for the day."


 I think I should pack by bags and ran from here before department throw me out."


Lisa was angry on herself because she cannot able to find a single clue.

"Lisa don't worry …madam Pronica told us…. that she is call someone back for helping." Said by May with smile.


Lisa was about to say something…. sound of a car horn came from gate side. Everyone starts peeping. They notice that it is a white SUV behind a police car.

 Police car door opened… an officer run towards white SUV…. he opened the door… It was none other than Madam Pronica.

She came out of the car… officers covered her for security and walk inside Police Station. Two constable who were in entrance salute her. Everyone starts wearing their police cap and give salute to her.


"Everyone…. let's go… for a meeting." Ordered by madam Pronica.

Everyone gathered in meeting room which is in first floor except officers and constables.

 Madam Pronica, "so till now you all might know that there will someone come to join this police station very soon. He will help you… to solve this case." 

"Officer Lisa… you will go personally with three more officers for calling him back."

"Personally…. madam why don't we call him or send him letter after that he will come back." Said by Lisa in simple voice.

"Yes… we can do this but through this way he won't come back." Said by madam Pronica. "That is why I am sending you personally."


"Madam I think …he must be special that's why our head is going personally." Said by senior officer Bill.

Madam, "YES"

'He was to be A grade officer Assistant chief of police and very soon he was promoted as Captain. He was selected for head of this Major Police Station before you… Lisa. But what happened nobody knows…department set up an enquires on him and he was suspended.'


"And now department wants him back." said by any sub officer among them.


Madam Pronica shake her head. "I'll show his picture."

Lights get off….in screen an image appeared.


"This is V or Vick…. who will come to help you."


In that image, he was having undercut hairstyle, small eyes, pointed nose, small mouth and clean shave face.

Officer Naomi said with smile in the ear of sub officer Ellie… "handsome."

After seeing his picture some officers noticed him. Officers wo were new they did not notice.


"Where do I find him or where does he live…. Madam?" Asked by Lisa.


 Lights on…


 "Lisa... you will find him in Mother Tereasa Orphanage." Said by madam Pronica. Which is in 'Small Town Valley.' It will take 3 hours to reach there by driving.

Madam Pronica give order to his officers who came along with her… give that packet to Lisa and said 'take this and give it to mother Mary'.


Meeting over.


Madam Pronica was leaving, everyone stands straight and salute her. She was about to leave but she stops and look back "don't take May with you." She will be incharge till you come back.


Then she leaves.

Everyone eyes on car.

German shout very loudly, "madam look… what Chief is saying in media… look."

Everybody fixed their eyes on tv.


Inside tv.


Anchor: Police department has taken one step for stopping this robbery, let's see what Chief of police department wants to say about this….


Reporter: Sir !! is this true that your department is calling him back means Vick?

 Chief: Yes… it is true.

Reporter: If you want Vick back then why did you suspend him?

Chief: Because that situation was different and now situation is different.

Reporters: You need Vick or want to prove that police are not weak through his help because of newspaper heading?

Chief: It depends on situation.


Like this different question asked by reporters and the Chief answered smartly.


Anchor: as you all seen that very soon "Major Police Station have one more head" this is said by the Chief of the police department.


"WOW" ….  said by German.


Same news robbers were also watching by robbers.

All five members of robbers were looking each other face.

Mike, "I heard about him…he is too much dangerous officer."

Ben, "he does not fear from anyone. Will he become danger for us?" Rose I am asking you?


Rose was quiet.

Sitting on the chair both legs were on the table. Natasha was sitting on floor and fixing bike problem.


"NO…. he cannot find our way of robbery…. Chill." Said by the rose.


Natasha stand up.

 clean her hand.

sit on the bike.

"Police is calling him back… they think that he will catch us… this will not happen because this time we will call all members…. we are ready."

"James… make an omelet for everyone." Said by Natasha with smile on her face.

 Rose knew that if they beat Vick. Means they beat everyone. He is having a smile on his face because he knew he will win.


Other side madam Pronica back to headquarter.

Went straight to her cabin… dial a number.






Mother Mary: Hello… Mother Teresa Orphanage.

Pronica: Hello…. I am Pronica… may I talk to V?

Mother Mary: Pronica…. my child…how are you? I am mother Mary.

Pronica: Mother Mary… I am fine mothe… how are you?

Mother Mary: I am also fine…my child and sorry my child V went outside.

Pronica: It's ok Mother… can you please give my message that 4 officers are coming there to take him back.

Mother Mary: Sure… my child.

Pronica: Thank you…mother.

Mother Mary: Bless you child.


Conversation ends


In the Police Station, May was searching file of Vick in department database.

"Lisa look … what I found." Said by May.

She found Vick file in department database… 'open it.'

May open the file and start reading….


Assistant Chief of Police… Vick.

5.10 feet height having undercut hairstyle, small eyes, pointed nose, small mouth and clean shave face.



Angry and calm.  



4 transfers.

3 awards.

Selected as the head of major police station.


Work Experience

5 years in police.



Suspended for killing 21 people in single night.

Green house in LOS city.

7 politicians.

8 police officers.

6 criminals.


May get feared and had goosebumps all over skin. "I will pack may bags not you Lisa."

Lisa walk outside and said…. "I am going hospital to  see our patrolling officer how they are now."


She reached City Hospital.

she went straight to their officer's ward.

She entered…


All 10 officers were standing and talking something. "May I come in…." asked by Lisa.

They all stand straight for respect… "what is the topic of discission hu….?"

"Officer Vick." answered by Kiara with serious look.


One of the officers said.

'Madam we all know about him….

He was the best officer in the entire department.

No one match him.

If he will come back…. we don't think… those robbers can run away.'


"Might be…" Said by Lisa.

Suddenly doctor enter into room… "oh! madam nice to meet you."

"Hello doctor… when will my officers get leave from here?" Asked by Lesa.

Doctor check reports and answered…. "next Monday."


"Thanks doctor."

'Ok officers… I should move and after free from here get back to your jobs.'

After saying this and had conversation with doctor she moves to her Station.



It is night.


Lisa… "listen to me everyone…tomorrow me, Neomi and Henry… three of us will go and take him back."

"But madam Pronica said….3 officers with you total 4." Told by Zoe.

"leave it." Said by Lisa.


Next morning Lisa, Naomi and Henry about to leave.

Check everything…. nothing should be left.

'Henry you will drive… May take care… thank you of my police station.' Said by Lisa.

After this… 3 of them went for… "Small Town Valley."


After 3 hours of long drive… finally they reached Small Town Valley…. "We reached madam but where should we go." Said by Henry.

Naomi, "Let asked someone…. where is Mother Tereasa Orphanage?"


They stop their car in front of a big general store.


Naomi get out off the car…. "Excuse me sir…. can you tell us where is Mother Teressa Orphanage?"

Old owner of that store give smile and said…. go straight.

                                                                          Take second right turn….

                                                                           Keep follow the road…

                                                                           One big red color house will come…

                                                                        There will be your search ends.

They drive their car towards that house.


While driving,

beautiful valleys were there filled with green grass…

Tall trees.

Many women's and childrens were sitting on road side.

Some old people taking their cattle to their place.


Wow such a beautiful place.… said by Lisa.

Yes madam…


Taking some left turn, some right turn, passing 2 valleys finally they reached on the gate of Orphanage.


They entered.

 All children's ….and other young boys and girls walk towards them but one little girl age about 9 years old, she ran inside and shouted… "THERE IS GUEST OUTSIDE."


All 3 mothers of the orphanage.


Mother Mary

Mother Martha

Even Grandmother ran outside. They saw three of them…. "you three must be here for V means Vick." Asked by mother Martha.

"Yes" … answered by Lisa.

Come inside and relaxed after that we will talk.


They went inside the house.

House were huge having 3 floors all were inter connected with each floor. They sit on sofa, Lisa had a packet on her hand which were given by madam Pronica. She stands up and said in low voice "this is given by madam Pronica and asked me to give it to mother Mary."

"I am…"

She took that packet and hand over to Grandmother.

Mother Mary and mother Martha were wearing NUN dress by looking both age was about 50 plus and old Grandmother was about 65 plus wearing white NUN dress.


"Can you please call Vick so that we could go back." Requested by Lisa.

Mother Martha smiled and said, "sorry my child he has gone somewhere, he will come back at evening time. So, you all can go tomorrow."


All three of them shock but they can't do anything. So they have to stay there for the night. Lisa messaged May that they will not come back today… they will come tomorrow.