
Chapter-11: Message sent.


Case of a Robbery

Chapter-11: Message sent.


In safe house.

Rose was sitting on his chair and his eyes on the map of roads. He is marking all exits and entrance of the cities.

"This is the road map of the cities?" Told by Ben.

"Yes… wait for everyone to come because now time has come for 7 robbery." Said by Rose.


After some time.

All members gathered on table.

Everyone listen said by rose, "yesterday night there was a call?"

"Call?" wondered by Natasha.

"CORTEX is coming after 7 days." Said by Rose. "Now time has come to send message."


Meanwhile in Police Station.

All officers were gathered around a computer. That computer was operating by May.

This is yesterday night footage.

"Very huge crowed." Said by an officer.


And this is the details of bike.

"After looking these details, every bike is different from other." Said by an officer.

"Look at this footage…." Said by May.

"I still think that girl Natasha is quite different means her bike and dress were similar with the biker which I had seen in car chase time." Said by Lisa.


"Yes madam…." Said by an officer. "Look at her and her team member face expression, they are not happy."

"After looking Police who will be happy." Said by German.


Different questions were there in minds of officer but no answer.

"What's up… what are you all doing there?" Questioned by Vick.

"Sir… nothing …Just watching yesterday footage and studying details of bike which May had given." Answered by an officer.


He bent little bit left side looking at May. May slowly hide herself behind computer.

"By the way…. This is yesterday winning amount. Distribute among yourself." Told by Vick. "Include German."


After distributing amount.

Let's see what we have found. Said by Vick.

"This is bikes reports and this is footage." Said by Lisa.


He read all bikes detailed reports. "find something in footage?"

"This thing is little bit different." Said by Lisa.


Vick looking at screen.

"After seeing us everyone is in shock but Natasha and his team is very calm." Said by Lisa.

"After winning race everyone is running towards you but… this man went to Natasha and said something. And they gone."


"Now what." Asked by May.

"Just wait…. For next robbery." Said by Vick.


Madam Pronica car entered from gate.

Madam… everyone standing straight for respect.

"Yesterday night what was happened… I don't want to listen. What did you found there?" Questioned by Pronica.

Lisa, "madam this is the bike reports which was used yesterday night for race. This is footage."


"What did you found in footage.?" Pronica.

"In this footage we found all people who involved in this type of illegal bike race. But in this race only one team which looks different." Lisa.


She also watched footage… and said, "yes… you are wright. They look very calm…strange."

Madam Pronica phone rang.




After talking she said, "DAM IT."


"What happened madam?" Asked by Vick.

"Nothing. CORTEX is not coming." Answered by Pronica. "It was coming after 7 days but it's not."



On tv there a news appeared.

"What the hell is that now." Said by an officer.

"Now what they want to say."



On tv.

Breaking news.

Recently our news channel gets a footage from unknow. When we play that footage we all get shocked because that footage sends by robbers.

You all also see… what in that footage.


All officers fixed their eyes on tv.


This message is only for officer VICK.

That race was nice… you are fast, no… too fast.

But now I want to see, how fast your brain is?

After 7 days,

All State Bank.

Noon time.

We will Rob the bank.

Go call your all officers.

Call your all patrolling units.

But the question is…

Will you able to catch us or not?

Countdown starts…. TIK… TIK…TIK.


This is the message for Police officer Vick said by that robber. Now the question is, "will robber get succussed or Police."

"Will Police get back their reputation back or not."


Lisa closed tv.

"They are targeting you now." Said by Lisa.


But Vick was something running on his mind.

"Vick what are you thinking?"  Asked by Pronica.

"Madam… I was thinking that they are 5 members as told by Lisa. But in this footage, there are 11 bikes behind these robbers."


"May can you download this footage."

"Yes" answered by May.


After downloading everyone watch that video footage very carefully.

"Yes …. There are 11 bikes." Said by Pronica.

"These bikes might be spare…" Said by an officer.

"No…. if they are spare then they should be covered but look at this they all are neat and clean." Said by Vick. "I think they are 11 members."


"VICK listen…. Do anything but catch these rats." Ordered by madam Pronica.

"Sure madam."


After this madam Pronica leave for the Headquarter.

"New name for those robbers…. Rats. And we all are cats."


He asked May that he want all details of that bank.

Andrew, William tell all our patrolling units to collect all surrounding areas information.

All officers of Police Station check before you came here. They might have put bug on bags cars etc.

"German you have contacts with small thieves."  Asked by Vick.

"Yes, I have."

"Send all of them near that bank and give each information to you." Said by Vick.


"Officers go out and tell those two comedians Famous and Court that if anyone come ask about us. Then call or informed us." Said by Vick to an officer.


After this everyone gets on their work.

He muttered by himself, "where are you Mr. rat."


In safe house.

"Will this plan work." Asked by Ben.

"Yes … it will work." Said by Rose.


"We will go that way and Police will go this way." Said by rose.


Plan always made by rose.

He shows them their plan.


All State Bank was covered with 3 roads from 3 sides of bank.

All sides having Police car. Entrance side had 2 Police cars.

Entrance side, a road is coming towards entrance gate of the bank but split into 2 parts.

That road also covers inner road of bank.

From that split road our 5 bikers will go and make a smoke blast, throw smoke bombs everywhere.

This will distract them. And they can easily do their work.


"Nice plan.' Said by James.

This is the another one.


CORTEX will be inside this black colored truck.

In front side 1 SUV and back of the truck one more SUV.

How many more would be there I don't because this is secret. There might be no security.

This is confirmed that CORTEX will be inside the truck.

Truck would be bullet proof and blast proof also.


"How we will open that truck." Asked by Natasha.

"That truck can only opened from inside." Said by Rose. Means security will be inside the truck also.


Truck was very strong but … their edges was not that much strong. They will throw smoke inside truck from that edge and they have to open the doors due to suffocation.

When doors will open…  Ben… take all of them down.


"Ok" said by Ben.


Now its time for back up.

For this robbery we have to take help of all our 11 members because we had sent a message to Vick.

He will do anything to stop them. So be alert and be fast.


"How's my plan…." Asked by Rose.

"Really nice." Answered by Mike.

Call our members and asked them to keep eyes on that officer Vick.


Said by all members and start contact and clear them what they have to do.


In Police Station.

"Sir I had told both Famous and Court." Said by an officer.

"Ok… all of you also keep an eye on outside also and be alert." Said by Vick.


In Headquarter.

"Madam Pronica did you see the news?" questioned by Chief.

"Yes Chief." Said by madam Pronica.

"Then what is your officer Vick is doing?" questioned by Chief.

"Sir…. I don't know what he will do but this time those robbers have to face him." Said by madam Pronica.

"This time our all hope is him." Said by Chief.


After this madam Pronica leave to her cabin.

Whole department is on deep concern about next robbery. In this whole bad situation only Sergent Moris is relaxed because if this time Police failed, he will be appointed as head of the Major Police Sation.


Other side.

All patrolling units were roaming here and there for collecting area information.

German contacting their people so that any small information can get.

Control units fixed their eyes on security camera for noticing something new.


All were in pressure.

In this pressure whole day pass away and all officers start moving to their home.


"May come I'll drop you." Said by Lisa.

"You go… I will go by myself… little bit work is back." Told by May.

Lisa went to her home.


After sometime.

May finished her work and she also left for home.

Vick also left…. "German if any message come… don't forget to tell me… ok."

"Yes, big sir." Said by German.


While moving little bit away from Police Station. He noticed that May is standing on road side and waiting for taxi.


He stops his bike in front of her and asked "should I drop you."

May, "Aa…"

"Don't think… now it is late night. Come I'll drop you." Said by Vick.


She shook her head and sit on his bike and move towards her home.