
Chapter-21: Reality vs Truth.


Case of a Robbery



Chapter-21: Reality vs Truth.


Vick went to Headquarter.


He entered.

Everybody shock by seeing him because now he was in his original look. They all are watching that Vick who was missing from last 2 years.

Everybody saying welcome back Sir.

Some of them are happy and some of them are angry.

He is having cigar on his mouth and walking with his full attitude.

When he was moving upstairs….

Moris was there and looking at him.


Vick stop and stare at him. Moris was little nervous looking at him.

He smiled and walk upstairs.


He was walking straight inside Chief cabin. Before he entered, he leaves that cigar outside.

"May I Come In?" Asked by Vick.

"Come in."


He came inside.

 "Take a seat." Said by Chief.

"Thank you."


Chief look towards him and smiled, "now I can believe on madam Pronica."

"For what… Chief?"

"She told me that you can solve the case but I want to see original Vick." Said by Chief. "And now I have."

He gave a chilled smile.

Chief, "I was worried about forth blast but… the way you threat those people… that was impressive."

He took a long breath and said, "thank you Chief but I am here because of some reasons."

"...and what is the reason?" Questioned by Chief.

"About Eleena… who send her there Chief?"

"I have already told other officers that she will helpful for headquarter not for Police Station."

Chief was little bit quite but he answered, "Vick… sending here was not my decision."

"… that day when madam Pronica leaves meeting… I ordered all other superior officers that whatever they all think wright do that."

After hearing this Vick replied impatiently, "and they send her."


Chief was quite…

"What did you want to do now?"

Vick start thinking and replied, "call her back."


Chief said, "Vick you know that an officer cannot call back until he/she had done any mistake."

He knows this.

...Vick again take long breath.

"Why…. Is everything ok?" Asked by Chief.


"Yes … everything is ok…." Replied by Vick.

"Chief… can you tell me who are there in that meeting.?"




 Smith and other superiors also.


After this he stand up and asked to take a leave.

He starts moving to Sergent Moris cabin but an officer called him from his back.

"What !!!"

"Madam Pronica is calling you Sir."

He came to madam Pronica cabin.


He entered.

Pronica, "Going to hit Moris…?"


Pronica shock "What?"

"No… I mean … I was going to say hi to him."

 She raises her hand and give sign to stay quiet.


She said, "there is no need to talk to him or any other officers."

"When the case will be solved, she will come back."

"If she wants to came back by herself?"


"It's her choice… but till then you will not talk to any other superior officers." Said by madam Pronica. "Understood."

"Yes… madam."

After some more small amount of conversation, he takes leave and went back to Police Station.

There he parks his bike, took another cigar and burn it.


He entered.

But what he saw.

Eleena was bleeding from her nose and doctor was there to check her.

He asked, "what happened?"


One of the officers answered, "she was…"

"What ….? Complete your words." He asked.

"Big Sir… she went down to ask some questions but one of the male robber attacks on her. All thanks to madam Lisa… She saves her."

He went near to her.

"Happy now…." Said by Eleena in angry voice.

 Blood was coming out from her nose he got so much angry. "WHO DID THIS?"

"Big Sir… that red hair strip man."


Vick said, "doctor don't go anywhere…. We need you."


He went down stairs and open the special cell. He grabs that red strip hair robber and take him outside, front of all special cell.


Having cigar on mouth, "SO YOU TOUCH HER."

In few seconds he punched on his face and start beating him. He was beating him like never before.

He grabs his head and hit on the wall.

 He picks him from his back and throwing from here to there like toys.


Rest 3 members were in fear by looking the way he used to beat him. They all start screaming…

 "Please stop him… Please… somebody…. Please save Red."

Due to their sound all officers came down and all male officers try to stop him but cannot. They tried again and finally get controlled on him.


 His condition was too much bad.

He was bleeding from face and other parts of his body.

His clothes were teared off and try to control his breath.


Vick was still angry and still everyone grabs him.

May realize what madam Pronica said to her in meeting, that "May will stop her."

Lisa said, "May go…"

 She stands in front of him and said politely, "Vick… please let's go up…. Please."

He gets calm and said, "never touch my officer."


After this he went up….

Doctor start checking him.


He was washed his hands and clean his blood marks from his t-shirt.

"I think I have to change my t-shirt."

He changes his t-shirt and saw Eleena was sitting on entrance staircase little bit a side.

He went there and sit a side of her.

Everyone was watching both of them, what is going on?

She looks towards him and looking down. Her eyes were down and having shame on her face.

Vick ask her, "What happened Eleena … why are you sitting here?"

"… I am upset."


"Why are you upset?" Asked by Vick.

"I thought… I was perfect for head of this Police Station but today when I cannot save myself from him.

I realize… I am not perfect… and not even good."


"…. hahaha Eleena… you face him first time and you got scared… but look at me I am facing them from many time… I never lose my confidence." Said by Vick.

"Because Vick… when you are in home there also you have to take decision and here also. You are stronger than me… smarter than me, what else should I say."

She took long breath… "I just want to prove myself better than you."


He smiled again and said in calm voice, "Eleena… who told you that you are not stronger, not smarter?"

Since, when you are small you always keep on trying to beat me and you failed but than also you keep on trying. This shows how much stronger you are.


She realized what he is trying to say but she had lost her confidence.

She said, "I was beaten by that robber…. Headquarter will throw me out from department."  

He moved his head and said, "yes… that robber beat you but I also beat him… very badly."

She smiled, "you beat him…. No… you destroyed him."

And give a big smile.

Vick look at her, she was laughing.

He said, "Eleena…. Girls who are weak, they lose and step back but girls who are stronger they lose and wait for one more challenge. These challenges make them stronger."


He put his hand over her shoulder, "Chirrup my girl."

"Until I am here no one can harm you…"

She cheered up. "Ok"

She had her confidence back.

She gets up happily with new energy.

He said, "Eleena… when case will be over, I will transfer all success to you and Lisa."

"I think this will be great start for you."

Eleena replied him in soft voice, "Thank You."

And went to women section of Police Station.

Vick stand and said to himself, "ok… lets go out and ask Famous for a tea."

He shouts loudly, "Famous make a tea for me man…. and Court bring a plate full of noodles."


 Whole conversation was listened by May because she was standing behind the wall.

She muttered with herself, "this means he will cut his name from this case and Eleena name will be there."

May start thinking, there is something cooking between both of them, she was very upset from him.


Rest of the day, she stared Eleena like she will kill her.

She had her own cabin but she sits outside.


Vick came back after eating.

He called German, "yes…. Big Sir."

He said, "German I want you to go down stairs and tell all 4 robbers that you heard… tomorrow V will interrogate. If they did not answer, he will do very horrible things with all of them."

German get shocked and asked, "what you will do Big Sir?"

He replied, "German … if I tell you, you will die over here?"


After hearing this he scared.

He went down muttered with himself.

"After seeing his original looks we all are in shock and now we will die."

He tells everything to all 4 members inside special cell.

James was in scared because he saw how he beat Red. He asked, "why are you telling us this…?"

German replied, "because I am also a thief and you are also thief…. of bigger level."

"Storm is coming… get ready."


German take leaves from there.

Natasha muttered, "what he will do…?"


Now it was about night.

Lisa asked May, "let's go home…"

May was looking at Eleena.


Lisa look around, "Hello…"

May notice her.

"Let's go."


Vick also came from another section and asked, "Eleena come…I'll drop you at your home."

May wondered.


She got angry and shout, "Lisa…. LET'S MOVE."

Everyone shocks, even Vick also.


And they both leave for home.

He muttered, "what happened with her?"