
Chapter-23: I won’t tell you.


Vol. II

Case of women trafficking-II



Chapter-23: I won't tell you.


May was looking around.

"WOW… there was a huge a ditch."


Vick look there and he saw HD car was standing there facing towards him.

"Yes… a ditch. If he did not tell me where is Lulu… I will throw him there."


Vick was walking towards control section but suddenly HD throw a small bomb on his footsteps and blast. He jumped a side and hide behind rusted car.

"May!! Hide behind something."


He was looking around but finds no one. May took out her gun and look around.

HD… came out from control section, having cigar on his mouth. He burns that cigar and call him out.

"Come out officer… Let's talk."

Vick stands behind car. He looks very angry.

He took out his gun and leave on car. HD also remove his cloth and throw it.

Both standing in front of each other.

HD crush his teeth and punched him with his right hand on his face. But Vick also punched on his face.

Both step a side but HD pick him up and throw over rusted car.

He falls on that car and sound came. "TAAK."


He was moving towards that car but Vick jumped over car and kick him on his chest. He quickly stands back and start hitting with his hands and legs. Vick was blocking all his attacks.

May was watching this fight.

She thought that why don't she find Lulu. She starts searching around.


Both are fighting.

At same time they both hit each other with their hands… both start falling back but they grab each other hand and pull back but this time Vick give him a punch on his chin in uppercut style.


Due to which… HD fall down on his back.

HD saw that May was looking around… she was searching for that small girl. He took sand on his hand and throw on his eyes.


He grabs him and hit his back on car body.


HD look very angry and he went to stop May.

May him coming towards him, she aims her gun at him and shoot… but he saves himself and throw one iron road on her.

Gun falls from her hand.


 She tried to run but he grabs her neck with his left hand and lift her. She was in middle of air, she cannot able to breath… she was torment.


That time.

Vick shouted "command mode activates and give me water bottle."

HD look at him.


A sound came from his bike. "Command mode activated."

That bike starts automatically and move towards him. a water bottle came out. HD leave May and run towards Vick.


He was cleaning his eyes but HD kick him on his back.

Water bottle fall from his hand but he was still standing. He looks back… water drops fall from his hair… HD ran towards him to hit but Vick punched him on his stomach with full strength.

He falls back.

"HD… where is she?"

He was feeling pain due to that punch. He picks up a rod and try to hit him but Vick save himself from his attack.

One of his attack hit on Vick shoulder and fall a side where HD throw his cloth. He saw bomb on his cloth… he took one bomb on his hand and throw on HD.



HD was in between smoke. Vick ran inside that smoke and punched on his face. He keeps on hitting him and take his rod from his hand and hit him on his leg with that rod.



He was shouted by pain.

He dislocates his one hand and brake his one leg bone. He was shouting very loudly.

May close his ears with his hands.


He grabs him and asked, "WHERE… IS SHE?"

He was bleeding from his mouth. He starts giving him smile and laugh.




He punched him on HD face and start searching around. "May!!.... she must be here. Look around."

They were looking around and searching her.

They checked everywhere but could not find her. HD was laughing. "You cannot save her and you will not able to save that small girl also."


Disappointment was on her face.

"Vick… don't worry… we will find her."



He remembered what Swan told him 2 years ago.

"People use to hide their things in front of everyone."

He looks towards his car.

He notices that it was covered from inside. All window glass was closed.

"May… did you check that car."


Quickly they both run towards that car. But… HD give command to go back. Behind that car… there was a huge ditch.


Vick quickly said, "car is going back… take my bike."

She ran towards bike and take it close to car. Vick took out hooks from both side and attached it with lower base of car.

Car stops at one place.

He tried to open the doors but it could not, May shoot on glass but it won't get affected. "SHIT… Bullet proof."

Car was computerized… he already had command to go back. It starts moving back side.

Mya look at bike… it was moving back. Tires were not moving but it was sliding back. She shouted, "Vick… quick."

She sits on bike and press his brakes. But then also… bike was going back. HD was looking them.

She quickly starts its engine and try to go forward.

Both rare tires rotate at one place. She was shouting. "Vick… be quick."


Vick was on over car engine. He was looking around and had an idea. He saw rubber which was applied on front wind shield glass as a frame.

He quickly starts removing that rubber.

Bike was still moving back… tires were moving forward but going back. Smoke also start coming from tires.



Vick remove that rubber and move that glass a side. He saw Lulu was on back seat. He entered inside car.

Bike start making sound. "Over weight… over weight."

"System can be failed."

May, "Vick… quick."


Vick check the doors but it was locked. He took Lulu on his hand and move back from where he entered.

Bike making sound.

"In 5 seconds… hucks will be ejected. Overweight."


In red icon… countdown starts.

5…4…3…2…1. EJECT.


In that mean time.

Vick jumped out from the car with Lulu. Her eyes were closed… he tried to woke her up. "May… bring that water bottle."

He threw some water drops on her face. She woke up.

She relised that she was in save hand. "Vick… you are back." She hugs her. "Sister."


Vick look at HD. He was in fear.

"May take Lulu and go back to Police Station."

She took Lulu on bike and move towards Police Station.


Vick walks towards HD.

He asked, "Who asked you to kill… Dude?"

He was having gun on his hand. He aims on his head… "WHO?"


He did not answer and close his eyes. Vick took out his phone from his pocket and check it.

HD tried to stop but he got a kick on his face.

He found that someone had deposit huge amount on his account. He checked call list and found a known number.

"OH!! It you."


He called to Julian.

"Hello… I had a name… who wants to kill Dude."

Julian: Who?

"Your business opponent… Mr. Shane and Gill."

Julian: I will not leave them.


Phone cut.


Vick took him on his shoulder and walk out from airbase but he turns back. There was a light weight aircraft standing.

"I think he was waiting for the piolet."


He walks towards plan and put him inside. He turns on plane and start flying plane. "Thanks to my past."


In Police Station.

All vans inside Police Station and all females were inside. Doctors checking them to ensure they are safe and they did not get any injury.


After sometime.

May reached there with Lulu.

Officers already put white clothes on dead bodies. Duke and Sara was there. They took Lulu and move from there.

But before they go. They told May that they are in Restaurant. They already call doctor and they will check Lulu.


When they gone from there.

There was a sound of plane coming from sky. That plane was flying by Vick. he decided to land that plane on road because it was small.

First, he clears the path and on second turn, he landed that plane on road.

He came out from plane and took HD on his shoulder.

Some officers ran toward him.

He hands over HD to officers and ordered officers that take this plane. We will use it in future.


Vick walk inside and saw Lisa was sitting on side of Cristina dead body.

He went near to her and said, "Vector is missing."

She was looking straight. "I know that… how we will find him?"

Vick had an idea so, he took out HD phone and place in front of Lisa.

"This is HD phone… we will call him back."

Lisa gave sad smile. "Will he come here… in Police Station."

Vick smiled and said, "Lisa… I told you that you will had a chance to release your anger."

"Now… you had a chance. He still wants you as his main target. So, if you call him… he will come back."


"How will you call him back… it depends on you."