
Chapter-12: letter.


Story of a Hero



Chapter-12: letter.


Both start hitting him and Vick try to block them but he failed. Sidekick hit on his chest and he fall down on the table, that table breaks down.

All people were shouting.  


His right hand on his chest. "Ah!! Now I realized, why his name is Sidekick."

He is back on his feet… he was talking to himself.

"Both of them know, how to fight. There is no need to fight with them."

He called both of them towards him.

Both surprises, they like their lips with tongue and ran towards him. But, instead of fighting, he starts running around and planning to fight. They are running behind him.


Dude, "what the hell he is doing?"

While running he found a place where many tables were set up. He stopped in middle of that area and take his fighting position.

Both of them surprise.

Sidekick ran towards him and jumped to hit him with his leg but Vick step aside, pick-up a chair and hit that chair on his leg.

He shouted with pain. He grabs his leg but Vick hit him on his left side of head by his leg with full strength.

That moment, a crack sound appeared.


It was a sound of his jaw. Due to hitting impact, his lower jaw get's cracked.

He falls down.


Diesel was staring at him.

He removes his cloth and take a position to fight.

He tries to punch him but pull his hand back. He wants to check that how fast he is. Vick was surprised.

He starts hitting him by his hands and Vick was blocking his moves, he tries to hit him with his knee but Vick block by his knee. He again tries to hit him with his hand on his left side of head but it was blocked.

Diesel stop fighting and step back.

He was shocked and wondering. "How?"

But Vick start attacking him this time. He starts hitting with his hands on his face but it was keep blocking by him. Vick did not stop there he keeps Punching on his face and he was blocking. He was wondering that why he is not stopping his moves and try some other move.


He grabs his both hands.

"You are not that much fast."

But Vick smiled and jump from the ground and hit him with his right knee. Due to this, he steps back… it was about to fall down but control himself.

Blood was coming out from his mouth.

He took a small knife on his right hand and lick that knife with his tongue. 


He attacks with that knife but Vick step aside and grab his hand from his right hand, he rolled his left hand on his neck, he bent down on his back but Vick hit him on his back by his knee.

He falls down.

Vick quickly took his knife from his hand and hit him on his shoulder by that knife.



That tall man was left. Vick quickly ran towards him and jump to hit him but it does not affect him. he was still standing there. Vick quickly stand on his feet and he was surprised.

He keeps hitting on his stomach by his hands but it does not affect him.

He stepping back but that man hit him on his face.

Johnny, "yes!!"

Crowed was still cheering.

Cleaner came close to Dude and said, "your friend will win."

He looks at him by shock.


That giant grabs him and throw over the table. Due to this, he had a mark on his face and his cloth teared off.

Vick was feeling pain. His face expression showing pain. He saw a switch, he ran towards that switch and turn off the lights.


It was dark.

Johnny, "on red lights."

Red lights on. Whole area is full of red light. That giant was looking around in search of Vick. He was shouting and roaring.


Vick was running towards him with full strength. He just wants to put that giant down in any cost. He was roaring. There was a table in front of that giant, Vick step up on that table and jumped. he hit him by his right knee on his chest.

That giant falls down but he stands quickly but Vick saw fan hanging over his head. He grabs his both legs and push him upward direction. His head hit on the fan and that giant came to his knee.

Vick step on his shoulder and jump, he grabs that fan and pull that fab down straight to his head.


Everyone shocked even Dude and Cleaner were shocked.

"My friend win's."


But Johnny stand from his chair with full of anger. He kicked the table front of him and took out his gun.

"I kill you!!"

He shoots him but Vick save himself and hide somewhere.


"Where are you? Come out you..."


Vick throw an empty bottle on other side, he looks at that bottle. At that moment Vick run towards him and spear him on his chest.

He falls down and shouted by pain. Vick quickly grab his gun and aim at him.


Cleaner, "Vick… you won. Now, I will handle from here."

He took of his hat and show his concave side to him.

Dude quickly took out a gold coin and drop that coin inside that hat.

"Thank you, master Dude."


He called his boys and ask them to help for taking their money to their car.

Dude did not drive his car towards his house. He took Vick to his home.

His house was quite big and luxurious.

"Be comfortable. No need to shy."


Dude called at his home and tell everything. After a week, he can go back to his home.


After a week.

Marks from his face start getting erased and dude had already transferred all money to his house account. He also separates some money for daily use of the house.

"Hey!! call a driver for my friend."

Vick refuse and manage to go by himself.

He came back to his house, there was little pain on his body. He was having a small bag which having money.


In the hall his friends were waiting for him.

He entered and took a seat. He took a long breath and a glass of water.

"Home sweet home."

Summer, "we had given Army test. By the end of this month we will get our results. And your exam will be next week."

Vick, "Ok."

He hands over that bag to them and start moving towards his room for a sleep.

Alex, "let's count."


Vick also give his Police Exam and result was on next month.

All children and mothers were waiting for the result.

Finally, the day come when result was announcing. Summer quickly open her laptop and search her name.


She shouted.

"YEAH!! Friends, mothers. We four had clear the exam with good marks."

"And it was written that after a week, a letter will come at given address and we have to reach that place at given time." 

Everyone was happy because after so long time. They got good news.


Vick, "let wait for my result."

After a week.

Four letters come on their door step. After reading that letter, all friends went to mothers and tell them that they have to go. On last date on next month will be the arriving time.


On evening.

Everyone was on dinner table. Four of them are happy.

Vick, "want to eat food or not?"


Four of them smiled at him and start eating their food.

Vick, "training time period?"

Hank, "about ten weeks and after that… there will be AIT where we learn about our job."

Vick, "good."


Vick result also announced and he had also scored good mark in exam.

Everyone was happing in the house.

Day also come when his friends have to go for training.

Vick, "what about your physical test?"

Mark, "don't worry… everything will happen there."


They had packed their bags.

Summer, "check everything before we leave."

"What about your training and test?"

Vick, "leave that. After you go, my training will start."


They had called a taxi which will take them to that place where all other selected students will meet.

"Taxi had come. Let's move."

They sit inside car and waving their hands. All children were also waving their hands. "BYE!!" 


Grandmother, "what about your Vick?"

Vick, "very soon."


After some days.

Vick had a letter from Police department for test.

"Mother… finally, they had call me for test and training."


Vick move towards that place where test will occur. It was a huge ground, there was some table arrange with chair on the ground, there was a track made by white line and it was written 2500 meter.

All candidates were having files on their hands.

There was a male and female officer standing on the side of a table.

They were saying that "females… this side and males this side."

They are giving shorts to male and female candidates. They also give t-shirts for female containing number on that t-shirt and one black color inner for male.

They all took their dress code and went inside rooms for changing. They already submit their files on the table. They arrange their files according to their number written on their t-shirt and inner.


After changing dress, they all come out and stand two different groups.