Story of a Hero
Chapter-13: selection.
All candidates were standing in a line. Front of them, two table set ups and a table with chair in middle but little bit back side. Two officers were standing both side of chair.
Four officers came in front table. Two were females and two were men, they took their seat on both chair and wait for someone to come.
With in a few seconds, two cars entered and front car stop behind that middle table. An officer opens the door and a lady officer came out from the car. She was Madam Pronica.
"Welcome Madam."
She took her seat.
"There is no need of wasting time. Start."
One officer use to check their file and other officers will check his height and his physic. Madam was looking them because they will train under her supervision.
One by one candidates giving their file and officers were checking them.
"You… give me your file."
"Your name?"
"Myself Lisa."
Officers checking her height. "150 CM."
She moves aside with selected candidates.
After four hours, finally Vick turn about to come.
An officer was taking measurements of a candidate. He was a fatty body.
"What the hell. We want officers… not elephants. Take your file and go from her."
Pronica laughed after looking at him.
"Next candidate. You… badge number 0786."
Vick came forward and handover his file to standing officer.
Officers who was sitting there, he opens his file.
Pronica was looking at him very carefully. She does not understand why she is noticing him. she was getting impatient, she feels like there is a connection between him and her.
Officer measure his height. "158 cm."
He measures his chest. "Breath in."
He saw 36 inches. "This is what we want in Police."
Officers send him on selected side.
After checking their requirement to become an officer. Now, they have to give their endurance test, jumping test, shot put, climbing, 30 kg weight lifting while running.
All selected candidates stand in a huge group in starting line. Pronica stand from her seat and stand in front of them.
"Can anybody tell me that what is a Police?"
All were silent and moving their heads but Vick was standing straight.
"Police is not a word… it is a responsibility, it is hope for all people who are in danger. Who feel insecure in society they call us for help. Because they believe on this word."
Pronica impressed, she smiled and took a gun from an officer hand.
"It is 2.5 km trace. Let's see how fast you can run."
She shot on air. "Bang!!"
Everyone start running and female candidates were sent to another field for their running. All male candidates were running on the track. Vick was running behind at last but when he complete halftrack, he increases his speed and take the lead.
Officers were surprise to see this.
After race finished, all were taking rest and waiting for next test.
An officer came and ordered all candidates to gathered at one place for next test.
Next test was high jump/ long jump.
All candidates stand in a straight line.
There was two poles and one pole fixed with both poles. That pole was six feet above from the ground level. There was a huge mattress on other side for their safety.
Same arrangements had made on other side for females.
On every whistle, candidates use to come while running and take a jump above from that pole.
When Vick turn came Pronica ordered officer to fix that pole five inch above from his original position. But Vick take his jump successfully.
Another test was long jump.
There was pit which was filled with sand. It was connected with a path which is having a white line. Officers already had given instruction to candidates from where they had to take jump.
Every whistle, each candidate uses to take jump.
Next test was shotput.
Candidates stand in a straight line and wait for his turn.
There was round circle made on the ground and a hand made scale on the ground. There was silver metal ball on the ground.
5kg for females and 7 kg ball for males but officers had arranged 6 kg ball also.
Candidates use to come, take that ball on their hand and throw as far as they can but when Vick turn came. An officer stops him for taking 6 kg ball. They ask him to take 7 kg ball.
He looks at Madam, she was also looking at him.
All candidates were talking to each other.
"What the hell is going with him?"
"Poor guy."
But Vick took that ball on his hand and place it over his shoulder and throw.
When officers measure its distance.
"WOW!! 2.5 meter."
Now, it was climbing test.
Candidates stand in front of a huge two poles which was connected wit each other. Connected pole was on the top of both poles. There was a rope in between poles having nots on a given distance.
After having climbing test. It was last test about to happen and after this test, department will take one-month time for selection.
"Candidates…. It is a 100 m running with having 30 kg weight on you."
Candidates start taking their 30 kg weight back on their back. Some were not able to stand and some were fall down.
Same thing happening with females also.
But for Vick, officers had prepared 40 kg bag. He took 30 bag on his back but officers stop him and give him another bag.
It was heavier that others but Vick was still on his feet.
Officer shoot in the air. "Bang!!"
All start running. Some candidates fall down while running and some were dragging themselves on the ground. Vick was trying to run but because of weight he cannot able to run fast.
After finishing the race, he took of that bag and fall down.
Officers came to him and make him stand on his feet.
Pronica came close to him.
He was controlling his breath and his body was paining.
"You are selected."
He surprised.
"After one-month names will be announced. We will meet at training section."
Sun start going down.
Everyone starts moving home. Vick went to a taxi stand and book a taxi which will take him to his home.
When Vick reached home. He was tired and want to sleep but children start asking questions to him about test.
Mother came and make all children away from him.
"Stop!! He is tired. Leave him alone."
Eleena was standing on side taking support of a wall. She was eating apple. Vick notice her, he asked to mothers.
"Why she is looking at me like this?"
Mothers look at her. "She is always in angry. You know her very well."
Vick, "Did you all had dinner?"
"Yes, we all had."
Vick get fresh and sit on sofa which is in hall. He was having file on his hand. He took a glass of milk and open the file.
"Let's see this month details."
That file contains all details of house. It contains rent, money spend on groceries, clothes, payment given by mothers to all helpers, donations, if someone had given, school fees.
While checking files, telephone start ringing.
Summer had call him. She tells about their training and they also ask about wealth of house, children and mothers.
Vick also told about his test and after one-month, result will be announced.
After talking.
He drinks glass of milk and went for sleep.
Next morning, when all three mothers came back. He saw a question on their faces. He asks about problem.
Mother Mary, "same problem. Bus."
Mother Martha, "20 children use to go school. We had arranged school bus for them but… half bus seat taken by our children. And…"
Same day he went to a dealer and told him that he wants a bus. He wants to buy the bus.
Dealer show him a school bus.
"Like this sir."
Vick, "Yes… like this."
"What about capacity?"
"40 students."
Vick buy that bus. He drives that bus straight to house. All small children and mothers were shock to see this.
There was a woman inside that bus.
"Mother… meet Marina… bus driver. From tomorrow onwards… she will take all children from house to school and school to house."
He already talks to school and he also told that if they want that some students should be dropped by us they will do that.
Next day.
That lady took all children to school. Rest of the day she was busy with her personal work.
Vick again start working as security incharge at same place. That place also, Dude use to come and meet him.
He encourages him to buy a car for personal use but he always said that he doesn't have money. At house children use to ask him about their homework. But Eleena does not ask any help, she use to do her work by itself. Vick was happy because of her attitude.
Grandmother, "happy to see her like this?"
Vick smiled.
"Yes, because she is growing up faster that me. Grandmother… she is better than me. And might one day she will take my place."
Grandmother smiled and laughed.