
Chapter-20: she does not take him seriously.


Story of a Hero



Chapter-20: she does not take him seriously.


Vick got his bike and his bike was really dam good.

Contains four tires, two in front and two in rear. It also had many types of tools and also have a screen in front. That bike was automatic and self-balanced.

Combination of blue colors. When he saw this bike, he was shocked. "I am impressed." Dude, "made in Tokyo. Enjoy.

And it also contains voice command and you can add more voices."

He took that bike to his work. He was really happy and feeling different in that bike. His speed and features are of next generation.

It feels like… he was riding in a rocket. When his officers saw his bike, they were also shocked. Moris, "nice bike."

It was day time and they got a complaint from an area of eve-teasing. They went there and arrest those scoundrels. On every arrest they use to call media and send one message for females.

"Don't fear… we will help you, you are females don't let it be your weakness. Make it your strength." While in this process… different complaint uses to come from different area.


Due to this,

HD was not able to work properly…

They had already hired a well-trained shooter to kill him and they are waiting for the write moment. Vector stop their boys but he ordered them to find one female. It was night time and local scoundrels were roaming here and there. After roaming around, they reached at that place where Swan with her six friends use to sell fast food. They saw her and start rubbing their eyes.

"I think she is angel."

 They went there and start irritating her due to which her customers start moving from there.


Ashley was very angry. She stands in front of them and ask them to leave but they don't. They ask Swan for leaving from there. They force her and this make her angry. She took a rod on her hand and ask them to leave. They get angry by her behavior.

 "Hey!! Do you know who we are."

At this time,

She uses her brain.

She makes her eyes big with full of anger and ask them one question.

"Do you know Vick?"

This question creates fear inside them. They start stepping back.

"Here is my hand… grab me… touch me… Hey!! where are you all running. He will not leave you all."

After they ran away she laughed at herself.


After some days.

All friends were collecting money for helping blind people. They were standing on road side and asking help. They had a box in which "help us" word was written.

Whenever lights got red they use to come and ask donations.


 Vick was also there with constable sir sitting behind his bike.

Swan was asking donations and reached in front of him. She was surprised and smile at him. "Help us sir."

Constable sir took out money from his pocket and put it inside that box. But she does not leave from there, she shook that box and ask him to give money.

"You can also donate, be a good officer."

He took out money and put it inside that box and she leave but he notices something.

"Constable sir… what she said?"

Constable sir, "be a good officer."

He got surprised with shock and he call her back.


"Yes… want to donate more money?"

Vick, "what did you said? Be a good officer. I am good or bad… how do you know?"

She starts making her crying face.


Green lights on.

"Listen stay away from me… I am very bad officer."

Swan, "I understood… you are not a bad officer."

He does not understand what she said, he leaves that topic and leave from there. But Swan was making angry face. She shouted.


He looks behind, she was waving her hand like she was say… 'by' to him.


These days Swan and Sara both are free because Mrs. Nora was out of station and rest were busy on office work. They all went for a party and Lulu was on school. They all were sitting inside a restaurant and eating food. She was acting like Vick and she was using his signature word. 'My foot' to her friends and those scoundrels which she had countered recently. Her friends also surprised to see her behavior… Vick heard his signature word because he was also there. He turns back and saw her with her friends. She also saw him and get silent.


Ashley, "what happen?"

Swan, "look… officer Vick. Let's go from here."

And his friends start teasing her.


 Swan stand from her seat and move out. "Let's go from here. Get up."

When she was moving out, she stopped because scoundrels were sitting there. Those scoundrels are those which she meets recently. She asks her friends to stay there and she sit in front of Vick. Everyone shocked to see her.


She was begging to him for not to scold her.

In loud voice… "Look at those people who were sitting there."

She was pointing her fingers towards those scoundrels and this creates fear inside scoundrels because they were thinking that she is talking about them to Vick. They all ran away from there.

She was happy to see this, in her innocence… she was talking to him like stupid girl who don't know what to say. Her friends were grabbing their heads and turning around.


"Swan, what are you saying?"

This makes him laugh at her.

Vick, "Listen… many scoundrels use to fear me and some people also feared but… you never take me seriously… what do you want?"

She gets nervous and ran out from there.


Days were passing and complaints regarding females were down. He searched the place where she used to sell her fast food and after some time he found that place. He made a fix place. He used to park his bike and a Police car over there. From morning to evening, till she closed her stall, he used to stay there. Meanwhile while he met with Mr. And Mrs. Smith and know everything about her. Both use to come at night but till then… her friends use to give them food to eat.

One day, it was night and Swan was eating spring rolls. Sara came to him having plate with full of spring rolls and give him to eat but he stopped her and ask about what he heard from Mrs. Smith.

Sara, "yes… it's true. We both use to work as a maid in that house. She never had the beautiful life which she dreamed of."

This made him sad and he was looking at her. Her face was smiling but behind that smile she was having many pains.


At home he always thinking about her and this creates an attachment with her. Michelle don't understand why he is sad these days. For knowing the reason, one day she followed him and saw Swan. He was talking to him and she was close to him. It was night time and she was angry at her. She was sitting in her room and thinking about her. Meanwhile, Vick had a message from his officers about arresting a man and that man was not opening his mouth. He was going towards Police Station but he had a message on Hawk. "Find a man name Fin. He will tell you everything."

When he reached at Police Station. He asks his officers.

"How do you arrest him?"

They answered that he was trying to kidnapping a girl but we caught him. His friends leave him behind.

He took a knife on his hand ask one question to that man.


He did not reply.

He cut his one finger.


In feared voice, he answered. "Fin." He was shocked and feels very happy.


 After that he did not ask him question, he took his picture and ordered his officers to give him food.

He sends that image to Hawk for confirmation and reply came.


Vick had a smile on his face. "We will meet… unknown gang."


In scoundrel's area.

HD was very angry and, in his anger, he killed his men's who went with him Vector, "I told you before." HD, " what about boys who went to kill him?" … Vector, "on the way."

Vick use to take Fin every day for roaming around cities due to which some scoundrels saw him moving with him. They told this to Vector. When Madam Pronica ask him about his act. He said, "madam… I want to catch those scoundrels… he will take us to them. We just have to wait." She believes in him and asks him to submit a report as soon as possible. When HD know about Fin. He was shocked and ordered his boys to kill him also with Vick.

It was afternoon time and Fin was sitting behind him. Both were standing in middle of road and it was red light. Vick had a call. "Hello… it's me Michelle. Where are you?" He was talking to her but his eyes were moving around. "Voice command on and scan the area." His bike system starts scanning the area and found a problem.

His phone was in his ear and he saw a man coming towards them. Vick, "action start."