
Chapter- 22: new house.


Story of a Hero



Chapter- 22: new house.


Vick went to the given location.

All six friends were standing out in front of a landlady. She was looking very arrogant. Little bit of a healthy body, having hair rollers on her hair and having a cigarette in her mouth. She was wearing her night dress and her husband was like a cat. He was standing behind as a culprit.

She was looking all of them with her big eyes.

Her voice was very sharp. "I had already told you… NO friends… then… why…?"

All friends were looking down.

Meanwhile, Vick reached there. He parks his bike and looks at them.


Without noticing that lady, he went to Sara and asked about her. That lady was shocked to see him. She quickly turns herself from arrogant lady to soft lady. He went inside and shocked to see her. Her body was shaking and she was sweating from whole body. She was crying. Both legs were folded and hands were around her leg.

In low voice.

Vick, "Swan!!"

She shocked and grab his hand.

And start crying with loud voice. He did not able to understand how to handle her. He was also in shock. "What happened…. Tell me?"

She was in deep shock. In her crying voice, cleaning her tears from her hands. "Yesterday… when we reached home that time. Our owner and renters use harsh words for us."


She was crying and tears were splashing out from her eyes. "Vick… even my sister also hears those words." … "Many people were there but nobody stops them except that old uncle and aunty." … "Vick… they insulted me… so badly."

She was keep crying. He can't able to see her crying. His breath increases. He calls his officers and send one team on that location.

He calls a Police.

She sits inside that car and he drive that car to their house. His team already call all people down. They all are standing down in a row. They also call out all those neighbors who were there last night. Vick also reached there.

Officer salute him. He opens the door and take her out. She was scared and nervous.

In loud voice, he shouted.

"Yes… I used to send a car for drop them both. Now, everyone believes."

He asks her friends to pack their bag. He does not want to let her live there. He already calls Dude for a new house for them. He went to Mr. And Mrs. Smith and requested them to come with them. They agree because they had an attachment with Lulu. With all their bags… he took them to new house and file a complaint on all of them for mentally torcher.


When he was taking all of them. There was a man who were staring at her. Vick was angry and he saw him.


He gets scared, in low voice he replied. "Nothing sir… nothing."

Vick, "get the hell out."

That time Lulu was in school. New house was quite big and have six bedrooms. All seven friends were happy because now, they can have a good sleep at night. Mrs. Smith were trying to make her calm.

Vick, "I am sorry. It was my fault."

It was noon and Lulu was about to come from the school. Vick went there and waited for her. His eyes were looking around. Finally, he saw her. Wearing a school uniform and carrying a small bag on her back.

She came to him and asked him. "You must be Vick? I mean V."

He was surprised.

"How do you know?"


"Sister always use to talk about you." He smiled. She sits on his bike.


Everyone was shocked to see Vick over there.

Lulu was enjoying the ride. She was very happy and Vick was also happy to see her happiness.

Lulu, "V, where we are going?"

Vick, "we are going to new house." She was surprised.

When she reached her new house. She was very happy and shouting around the whole house.

Meanwhile, Dude also came there. Vick introduced him to everyone. When they all noticed that it was his house, they were surprised and told him that they will pay the rent but he refused because of Vick. Vick, "don't worry… he is my buddy. Now, this house belongs to you all…"


After some days.

 Swan forget her past day but she had a question on her mind about those people. She meets him at night on her fixed place. She requested him to let them go but he refuses. She requested but he keep on refuses her.

Swan, "OK. If you will not leave them… then I will change my house."

Vick quickly reply her.


She laughed at him. "Thank you."


This scene was watched by Michelle. When he came back to his home. She stops him from behind and asks about her in different way.

Vick, "she is my… friend."

And hide his face. She noticed that. He quickly opens the door and smiled at her.

"Good night."


Now, all seven friends sell their fast food all day. Michelle went to their stall and acted like a customer. Michelle, "can I have… plate of spring rolls and this… fried chicken?"

Swan, "sure madam. Please wait for a second." She did not know her but Michelle want some answer from her.

When Shasha take the order and place on her table. She asks to call her. She was surprised. She went there and send her on the table. Sara took her place.

Swan, "yes madam." … Michelle, "hello Swan. I know you."

 She was wondering, how did she know about her.

"Swan… myself Michelle… Vick and me use to live at same apartment."

"And now, you very well know about why I am here."

She did not eat her food. She stands up and pays the bill.

Swan, "Payal… clean the table."


After she went from there. Swan was upset and looking sad. After that day she was looking upset. Vick use to come but she did not notice him. She uses to be busy on her work. He wondered why she is not talking to him; her friends use to talk with me but she did not.

After some days.

Swan had bought a cycle. She uses that cycle to drop her sister at school. Her sister was surprised. One day when she was taking her school she asked a question.

 "Sister… V use to drop me at school and pick me up but from some days… you use to drop me. Why?"

Swan, "shut up and study hard."


Vick did not understand what happened to her. Michelle used to take advantage of this time. She starts talking care of him at home. She uses to call him every night for dinner due to which she became close to him. One day she asks him to drop at her office.

He was riding his bike and taking her, meanwhile… Swan also going for dropping her sister at school and she saw him. She stops her cycle and keep watching at both of them.

"I was wright."

After dropping Lulu on her school. She came back to her work and talking to herself and preparing food items. Her friends use to looking at her and talking to each other.

"She is becoming mad."

Swan, "I can hear that."


It was night.

Vick will not come that day because he had to go to another area. All seven friends were sitting together and they were looking at Swan. She was doing her work and looking upset. "From some days, she is looking upset. What happen we all don't know."

On their table. Hawk, Lauren and Dude came there. Dude introduced both to them.

Hawk, "please to meet you all and specially you Ms. Swan." Lauren was saying something on His ear. After she finished her talk, Hawk said 'yes.' They all don't know on which topic they are talking to each other.

They ordered special food items from their menu and enjoy the food.

Other side.

Vick was read all files related to female. He did not find anything.

Spreading pictures throughout different Police Station is not helping them. In frustration, he called the cleaner and tell everything about him. He was surprised because he asks his help. For helping him, he gives details of that area where his boys use to live.

Same night he went there. That area does not have any street lights. Different house bout it was looking like each house is made up on other. One man came front of him and ask him to follow him. He follows him and stop his bike in front of a house which was covered by many scoundrels but they were well dressed just like Cleaner.

He entered inside that mansion type house. Inside that house, there was no one. Lights on. That lights were showing him a path straight towards a room. "Come here." Sound came. He was walking towards that room. He reached in front of door.

"Come inside."

Again, sound came.

He took a long breath and entered. It was a big room and an old man was sitting on sofa. Ten bodyguards were standing behind him. "Welcome… officer Vick." Said by that old man.

Vick, "you know me." That old man smiled. "I do."


"Please… take a seat."

He took a seat and wondering that how did he know about me.