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Chapter-21: the talk.
It was night time. Ruby went to meet Drona with Kevin.
In the mansion, Drona was making bullets of that weapon. Ruby entered and saw him. She was not surprised when she saw bullets.
"Someone wants to talk to you."
She took everyone's attention.
All four of them went to the dark room. It was dark, all lights were off and they were standing in front of a huge screen.
Aslam, "at least he had done something good."
It was a huge computer screen and Ruby was operating its system.
After she puts some codes and sets up a system for a talk. Blue color starts appearing on the screen and the screen starts blurry. After that live video starts.
In the live video, there was a man who was sitting on a red chair and it was a little bit above from the ground. Right side of the chair, there was a man who was standing and roaming around. His whole body was covered with black cloth. He was wearing black turban and black egal dress, his face was also covered only his eyes were visible.
There were some more people standing but they were standing in the dark. They were not visible to them.
That black dress man asked him why he had used that weapon? There is no need to use it. Drona told him that he wanted to check it. That man again asked him why he wanted to check. Drona replies in anger that this weapon does not affect that officer, that's why he wants to check it.
When he heard that, he started laughing at him and told him that this weapon is used on a million people, not on one.
Now, Drona laughed at him and told him that if this weapon fails on that officer then it means that it can be failed.
Both start bad words for each other because both want to show that he is wright. They were fighting with each other in words and this is creating trouble in someone else's mind.
Sound came from behind the red chair.
A hand started appearing which was holding a chess board and he was putting that chess away from him. All fingers contain rings. All the rings looked very expensive.
He put that chess board on the table. A tall man stands on his feet. His back was facing them all.
"Khalifa… I know that you both don't like each other but you should remember that you both WERE BROTHERS."
"Drona… finish your work and come back."
He snaps his finger and screen off.
His sound was very heavy like someone is beating drums.
Drona looks at her. He was very angry with her, he stepped towards him but stopped because Kevin stood in front of her. Drona kicked on the door and walked out of the room. He was looking very angry.
Ruby and Kevin also took a leave from there.
When Vick was leaving for home, they had a call and they all went to the spot. Patrolling officers had found a dead body which was different, body color was changed and blood marks were on his mouth. Officers had already covered the area with yellow tape and they were asking questions to the people around them.
Officers were taking pictures of the spot. Meanwhile, forensic doctors also came there and checked the body.
After investigation, they took the body with them and all officers went back to the Police Station. Lisa, "Tonight, I think we can't go back home."
Vick told Eleena and May to go to their home. Both know why he is saying this. They agreed and went to their house.
Vick was sitting in his cabin and Lisa entered. She took a seat and asked him a question.
"Did German find him?"
He moved his head left and right. That time he was looking at the picture of the spot. Lisa fell asleep on the chair while sitting. He was checking all the photographs, and at that time he had a call from the forensic lab. They call him over there. He wanted to wake her up but he left her and went with other officers.
In the forensic lab, there were two doctors standing wearing white coats and gloves on their hands. They request them also to wear gloves. Doctor, "nice to meet you officers, it was important to call you here."
They show them his body.
Doctor told them that the colour of the whole-body changes. They handed over his report to them and told them that something stopped him from breathing. He opened the file and saw the inner images of the body. Whole windpipe was filled with crystals. Doctor told him that these crystals were made of water present in his neck. He was wondering how it is possible.
Vick, "explain please."
Doctor, "something entered his body and reacted with water due to which he died. Rest what you can see, this is because of that thing."
After some more talks with both of them, they all went back to the Police Station. Lisa was sitting on the chair and she was woken up. She asks him why he did not wake her up when they called him? He told her that he does not want to break her dreams. She asks him that she also wants to know about the information said by the doctors.
After this they all start moving towards their home but when they see their clock. They told each other that there is no need to go home because the sun is rising. They all went back to their work.
When Eleena and May came back, they saw everyone was feeling sleepy. They both laughed and May entered in Vick's cabin. She saw Vick was still checking the picture of the spot.
"Good morning."
She went to Lisa but she was sleeping on the sofa.
Vick went out and asked for tea and breakfast from Famous and Court. While drinking tea, he was thinking about the words of doctors.
Officers find out all details of that man and they call his family in the Police Station so that they can hand over his body to them. Vick went to the hospital to meet that doctor who treated him recently. He asked the doctor that he wanted to check his body. Doctor notices that he wants to know something else. He took a blood sample and asked him to come after sometime.
Before he left the hospital, he thought that he should meet Michelle. When he entered her room, he saw Michelle was sitting on her bed and O Was eating junk food. Michelle had water inside her mouth, she noticed Vick. He was laughing at her.
O talk to Vick with full of food in her mouth.
"I was so worried about her."
Vick, "I can see that."
He was still laughing.
He told her that her parents always ask about her health and he always answer them that she is fine. He spent his whole time over there and the doctor called him to his cabin. He was having his blood report. Doctor gave him the report, he took that report and walked out from the hospital.
He went to the forensic lab, where he gave them his report and asked them to check.
When they were checking the report, they saw something on his report. They told him that his body had antibiotics for that diseases. He was wondering about their words. He told them that the hospital doctor told him the same thing also but he wanted to know which disease.
Both doctors also don't know about the name of the disease. They told him that they are trying to find what kind of disease this is.
In the mansion, Aslam was informed that the Police had found a dead body. Aslam muttered that till now they had checked the body and they got to know about the weapon.
At night, Vick went to the restaurant. Shasha gives fish fry to eat. He smiled and started eating. Lulu was also there and she was playing games on the phone. There was a fear inside him because he knew that if Drona came in front of her, what would happen that time. He hit his hand on the table because German was not able to find Aslam.
Lulu, "what happened?" He smiled and said nothing.
It was a dark night and Ashely told everyone to close the restaurant. Lulu came down with an album containing pictures. Doors were closed and they all were sitting on the chairs. May was staring at Vick and Vick was looking at the picture.
He was flipping through the pages of the album, Lulu was sitting on his side and she was eating ice cream.
He saw an image of Swan with a movie actor. He stood from his seat and asked everyone to leave, Lulu forced him to sit there with her but he refused and went from there. Everyone was sitting over there and they were talking. Lulu felt sleepy and she went to her room to sleep.
When May saw that picture, she asked that they did not talk about this. Everyone laughed.
Payal, "want to know?"
She moves her head up and down.