Online Cheatings/ Scams
Chapter-29: walking inside.
Huge meeting started in the Police department between Army and Police. This meeting was occurring in front of different heads of the Police department and Army Chief.
Two Senators were there to take the decision. All four friends of Vick were there with him. They were asking them to handle him by themselves but Vick won't allow them. His friends were trying to convince him but he was not convinced by them. Huge noise was occurring from both sides.
Senators ask them all to be silent and they also ask for a reason from Vick, why he is not letting them handle this critical situation. With all due respect he stood from his seat and told the reason.
"Sir… he destroyed our Police Station and now, he has control over the Headquarter… I am not allowing them to handle the situation but I want help from them."
"He wants to make the Police down… and we won't let it happen. If… you allow them to handle the situation then people will lose hope from us."
"Don't let it happen. Rest up to you, sir."
After hearing, the senator asks the Army Chief about the problem if they help the Police. They answered that they don't have any problem but they want Drona alive. Both the senators ordered them to help the Police.
They had set up a base where all officers from the army and Police sit together. They were sitting together around a table; his four friends were in front of him and he was smoking a cigar.
Hank, "we can handle him, then why are you not letting us do it?" In a rude voice.
He kept smoking.
All four of them were looking at him like a statue. Meanwhile, Eleena came into that room with a number of maps on her hands and May was behind her, she was holding her laptop.
Some Police officers also came there, they were not that much injured. Vick stood from his seat and opened that area map where the Headquarter was built.
He told everyone that 500 meters were captured by them then they all have to take this 500-meter area back to their control.
Summer, "how?"
He said that they had to set up snipers in those tall buildings and some were on the ground with soldiers.
Alex, "what about choppers?"
He answered that they have to manage the choppers. Alex moved her head and told that they will manage.
May, "if we put them all down then what about those people who were inside?"
He said that they are going to use the same trick which they use. All the Officer does not understand what he just said. He said again that they will use smoke bombs.
At last he said something nice which made everyone smile.
"We will enter inside from the terrace and from the doors side also."
After this he started giving them their work. Connor will work with ground officers with soldiers, Myra will control the sniper team, Hank, Mark both have to go inside with Vick from doors, Alex and summer will go inside from terrace side. He also told everyone that they all have one chance. Vick had a low number of Police officers. At that time, one of the soldiers came inside and called out to him. When he went out, he was surprised to see a huge number of special officers. He smiled.
May thought that she does not have any work to do, so she asked him about her role in this mission. He smiled at her and told her that she had a main role in this mission. He told her that she had to guide all officers.
May, "all?" She wondered. Vick, "yes… all."
The mission was starting in the evening and he was sitting outside alone, playing with his keyring. Summer stood behind him and told him that she had talked to Michelle. His both ears stand and ask her what she said to her. She told him that she told her about Lulu.
Vick, "I will answer her after sometime."
Sun was setting down, he told all officers to start the mission.
Summer had called four attack helicopters and one black hawk helicopter for them. Special officers were sitting inside in their cars and soldiers were in their cars. Snipers were in their position and waiting for the orders. Officers had already launched a drone in the sky and May was watching and guiding them all, all officers and soldiers were connected in one frequency and that frequency was connected with May. She was in the base.
May, "everyone stop your cars and walk."
Vick was on the ground with ground officers and soldiers. He was on his bike. He told all his officers and his friends that if we can see them then they can also see us.
Summer reached her position and told him that they are ready. They had already stopped all news channels from telecasting the news because due to their news, they will keep knowing about their work.
Vick started his bike and ride his bike towards the Headquarter, soldiers were already closing all the CCTV cameras of roads and around the Headquarter. Vick was on his bike and riding his bike in a loud sound so that he could take everyone's attention.
In the Headquarter control section, they saw Vick was coming towards them.
When he reached near the Headquarter, he turned his bike on another side and he ordered his bike to shoot them all.
All scoundrels start shooting at him. Those scoundrels also start shooting who were hiding themselves. He was turning his bike left and right, sometimes he rides his bike around one place only. He took the attention of all choppers and they also started shooting at him.
Vick, "start."
All officers took their sniper gun on hand and aimed at them and shot them down. Summer asks his soldier to take those choppers down. Attack helicopters start shooting on them. Those choppers started moving away from the Headquarter but they were rotating around the sky and shooting back at them.
Some soldiers were trying to save civilians and ask them to stay inside their house. Drona was looking around out of the window and saw his choppers and attack helicopter were shooting each other in the sky. Aslam was in the control section, he was telling his ground scoundrels to stop that officer.
They were trying to stop him but he was riding his bike in the middle of bullets. He was also shooting on them and saving himself also. Snipers were shooting because they also had to knock those scoundrels who were hiding.
Aslam asks his boys to take down those snipers. Drona came back to his seat and sat down.
Pronica, "you fear." In a rude voice.
Drona looks at him and asks her to repeat what she just said.
She repeated her words. Drona stood from his seat in anger and told her that they had captured their Headquarter, then how do they fear?
She smiled and told him that if he was not in fear then why didn't he go down and fight with Vick. Drona's boys were looking at each other's faces. Pronica again told him that if they want to live, they have to surrender themselves.
Outside, officers were taking them all down. May saw on her screen that some people were running towards different floors and stopped at some places. She quickly told all officers and soldiers about them. Vick shouted and ordered everyone to release smoke bombs.
Number of bombs start falling from the sky.
Again, the whole Headquarter was covered in smoke but this time, those scoundrels were not able to see. Last time they entered inside when smoke started disappearing but this time they were also covered in smoke.
Sound came and the sniper put one of them down.
Snipers were using thermal scope to shoot them down. Vick was on the ground, he took his bike to a safe place and hide himself. He was having his double barrel shotgun and one sniper.
Aslam, "thermal scope." He also ordered his boys to put on their thermal scope and shoot them. Fire sound came and one officer down who was using a sniper. May quickly told them about the places of those snipers and she also told them that they have thermal scope also. Vick was searching them and he found one of them. He was watching him, they were shooting on his officers.
His eyes were moving left and right. He was watching each of them. He was hidden and only his head was visible. He does not know that one of the snipers saw him and he was aiming on his head. When he was about to shoot him, Vick saw him. He saw that one bullet was coming towards his head. He hides himself behind the wall. For a second, he thought that he was dead, his breath and heart beat very fast.
He loads his sniper gun and takes his position.
Suddenly, everyone heard a huge blast.
Everyone looked towards the sky. They saw that one chopper was falling down. His backside was damaged and a huge amount of black smoke was coming out. That chopper falls down on the ground with a huge sound and gets a blast.
Summer, "one chopper is down… three left."