Ch.33 Queen of Serpents.

I was in the library, lost in my own thoughts. The knowledge of the future and the ability to do something about it was burden that weighed heavy on my shoulders. I would like to do something about it cause if I don't many could get hurt and I didn't wished for it but changing the events or not allowing them to happen entirely would take away the greatest assets that I possessed.It wasn't the question of did I wish to do it? It was should I even do it in the first place.

I felt a hand on my head and I looked up to see who it was, that was ruining my hair. It was Luna, she was looking at me and without any care just started brushing my hair, "Nargels are really messing with you today." I sighed and gave her a wry smile "That must be it."

"What are you thinking about?" It was Tori she looked concerned. I shook my head and sighed "It's nothing to worry about. It's just some work." She put her book down and touched my shoulder "I think you should take a break, you know brain does it's best work when not trying."

I chuckled at her comment and said, "That may be. But I don't think it would work with me." I got up from my seat and Tori looked at me "I see you guys during dinner." She nodded and I went on my way to ROR. Tori might be right while working I might be able to figure out what to do with all of this.


I was on my way to the hall, I was a tad bit late. I get lost while I'm at work. But nonetheless I succeeded in my recent project to power bigger devices. I might be able to watch tv now. So that's great but what wasn't so great was I still didn't know what to do with this whole situation. I just shook my head and decided to think about it all later right now I was hungry.

I reached the great hall and spotted Ted, Olivia and Astoria, but Daphne and Tori were missing for some reason. I looked around and found out so was Harry, Hermione and Ron, then it dawned on me today was the day.

I walked up to Ted hurriedly. Ted saw me coming and jokingly asked, "Got lost on the way?" I had no time to waste and I asked, "Where is Tori and Daphne?" He looked at me and asked, "They are not with you? I was sure they would have found you by now."

I was confused and nodded and said, "They went to look for you. Victoria said, that you were kinda upset about something and then when you didn't came here. They went to look for you."

I sighed and asked, "When did they leave?" He looked kinda worried and said, "10 minutes… may be? They'll be here Tom, no need to worry." I just nodded and said, "Yeah, but now that I'm here. I wouldn't want them to keep looking and besides, they couldn't have gone that far."

I walked out of the great hall and started to look for them, I thought the worse in my mind and where they could have gone in 10 minutes. That's when I heard a voice coming through the walls, it was the snake " Rip… tear… kill." It's cold voice sent a chill down my spine.

I picked up the pace and I found both of them where I never expected them to be. They were in front of the wall reading the message left behind by Ginny. They saw me coming and said, "Jon, look…" I got to them and I looked at the message written in blood and I said, "We should go… it's not a good idea to stand around." Victoria looked at me confused that's when I could hear the footsteps coming from behind.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her and Daphne out of there. We didn't stop until we were in our common room.

Both of them sat on the sofa and I was pacing up and down worrying if someone had seen us.

That's when Tori asked, "You alright?" I looked at both of them and asked, "What were you both doing there?" Daphne looked at Tori and reluctantly answered "We were looking for you that's when she…" She was cut off by Tori and said, "Why are we here? We should be telling all this to the professors or Dumbledore…"

I looked at her with suspicion, but she was still confused, "Did you read the message?" There was fear in her voice. "Who could have done something so cruel?" She got up from the sofa and said with determination, "we should report this."

I grabbed her by the shoulder and made her sit, "That wont be necessary… *sigh someone might have already did so… and it might not be wise to do it." As I completed the sentence people started to pour in the room and we could hear them talking about the incident and the one who was talking about it with joy was the wet mop Draco "Finally the school will be cleansed of it's filth."

I looked at them and sighed in relief, it seems like none of us were seen at the seen of crime. I saw Ted and the rest and they ran up to us and Ted looked us up and down Astoria ran up to Daphne and hugged her Olivia sighed in relief and asked, "You guys are alright? where were you. We all were so worried."

I shook my head and said, "Yeah… we are fine. What happened? And why is Betty so happy?" Ted seemed confused and I pointed at Draco and he nodded and said, "You wouldn't believe what happened." He told us about what happened. The thing that surprised me the most was that Harry wasn't the one who found about it.

Ted and the others saw my face and Olivia asked, "I know what he said is scary but why are you making that face again…" If Harry didn't find Mrs. Norris then is he even a Parselmouth? It was wrinkling my brain so much.

Tori saw it and said, "We should turn in early… it's been a long night." Ted then grabbed me and was taking me to my room, I looked behind and saw Tori's face it had a sullen look.

My suspicion was growing stronger and stronger but there was only one way to prove it. We stopped in front of my room and ted asked, "You, alright mate?" I nodded He sighed and said, "I don't think you should worry about it… it might just be a prank you know?" I sighed and said, "It has to be, otherwise… many people could be in danger."

He then placed his hands on my shoulder and asked, "Want me to sleep in your room tonight?" I looked at him and a chuckle came out and I said "That won't be necessary… Thanks."

He sighed shrugged his shoulders. "Fine by me… you cold cunt."

He then went away and I got inside the room and locked it. I removed my uniform and took Cotton out of my pocket. She was climbing the bed and asked, "You look very worried? I haven't seen you this much worried since that time you had to work with that ugly looking potato."

I sat down and she wriggled herself to me and climbed to my shoulders and asked, "What worries you so?"

"Tori. She found Mrs. Norris and I think I know how. But the implication of this could be dire and could change everything I know."

She looked interested and said, "She is the "anomaly" you said it yourself. If she is about to change everything you know then you must prepare yourself. Make yourself stronger and better in every way… That's the only way it should be."