Ch.59 Pillow Talk

(Florian's Pov)

In the Greengrass manor Florian paced through the study room looking worried and frustrated over a matter close to Jon. Jon and I have been working together on it for a while now and we had thought that it would be a success like the others but it wasn't so. Fudge, or more like the ministry had disapproved our idea to make a network Tv for the wizarding world.

This wasn't the first time they had rejected the idea, but I was sure that I could get it approved with Fudge there but it seemed that even he can't do it. I wasn't too sure as to how to break this news to Jon. And it didn't help that I didn't knew where he was. It was getting late now and even I didn't see him at the dinner table.

With a knock on the door, Bella entered the room with a calming smile, "Ah, did Jonathan got you on the fitness train as well… good, I was worried about that ever growing tummy of yours."

I was baffled and she chuckled. I sighed and sat down on the sofa… she walked and sat by my side and held my hands and asked, "What's on your mind?"

I looked at her and said, "It's the ministry… they have denied us permission to make a Tv network."

She looked at me placed one of her hands on my face and said, "It will happen, in good time… Jon will need to learn patience."

I sighed and said, "That's the thing though Bella, he had a lot of plans… we… he could have revolutionised the wizarding world. The plans he had for the network weren't like the ones that were proposed in the 80's. He showed me the powere that this box held… the power to move masses."

Bella sighed at the sight of his lover's plight and said, "That's why I believe in the both of you…" I looked at her and she snuggled closer to me and said, "The thoughts that Jon has does seem like that of a child… but he has a will to see them through. I know that he would be successful, but he does need to learn patience…"

I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder and said, "I worry for him s-sometimes…"

She chuckled and asked, "Do you see him as one of your own?"

I looked at my hands and said, "M-maybe…" she looked at me and I said, "At first I just thought, he was just a genius kid, who asked me to be his partner in business… but as the days went on. I started to think of him as one of my own children."

She had a gentle smile on her face and she said, "Come I have something to show you."

She took me to Jon's room and I asked, "Wha" She shushed me and quietly opened the door and showed it to me. I saw Jon and Daphne sleeping. I looked at her and asked quietly, "I thought he wasn't home and you said, Daphne ate already."

Bella chuckled softly and said, "One of which is true, Daphne ate early and waited in her room to catch him. I went to check on her when she didn't come and I saw them sleeping… so I decided to go away and keep Lizz out of here."

Bella leaned on the door way and I asked, "You think it's a good idea?"

She took a deep breath and shook her head, "I have no idea to be honest…" She looked at them and answered, "But after years, I'm seeing my daughter again, she is changing because of him…" She then looked at me with a mischievous smile, "and it's not like you don't like him…"

I sighed and nodded my head and looked at them sleeping peacefully and said, "Still, I don't know if that's such a good idea for them, they are young…" I looked at her and said, "They will both turn 13 soon… they will change."

She tilted her head and asked, "And remind me how old we were when we met?"

I sighed and said, "15…" She chuckled and I said, "But still my point stands… turning 13 as a wizard… it's a big deal."

She walked closer to me and said, "Let's do this then, we don't pressure then into anything… we let nature take it's course… see what happens."

I sighed and said, "Fine, better than what you were suggesting…" then another thought popped up in my head. "But there might be a problem in your whole plan." She looked curiously and I answered, "The potter girl… she seems to be infatuated with him… might be something childish but so is what you are suggesting."

She folded her hands and said, "My daughter will not loose to the Potter girl." She then turned her head to them and said softly, "And if we are keeping count, I think she is winning."


(Jon's Pov)

One of my hands were cold and one was asleep but had a super soft pillow around which is odd cause I had only one pillow and my head was occupying only a bit of it. I opened my eyes to see and it was early morning now. But the sun was still to break out. I looked around and I found Daphne's head resting on my chest drooling on my t-shirt and her hands and legs wrapped around me like a python. My other arm was holding her close for warmth because she had taken most of the blanket.

I don't know how but we were in this situation, and no doubt if I am found like this, I might be found at fault here. What if Florian finds out? Screw that What if Bella sees us like this? The thoughts haunted me and I tried to get out of her grasp, but as I said she had quite literally coiled her self around me and her surprisingly lanky arms were clutching me like the hands of death.

I could have gotten out of it but she could have woken up as well. I still tried to get out of her grasp and she groaned and snuggled even closer to me. I groaned and took a minute to think. I looked at her sleeping peacefully. I might not have realised it earlier but she does look cute when she is not awake, not that she is not cute when she is awake. But she is like very distant when she is awake, but looking at her now she look so… ha…

After looking at her for a while a little thought popped in my head. I tried blowing air in her ear, which wasn't easy seeing my position. But I did so anyway, I was a little out of ideas. Eventually my idea backfired a little she groaned and pulled the comforter and came even closer to me which I thought would be impossible and now she was lying on top on me. I cursed myself in my mind. This was worse than before.

But this position did bring out an opportunity for me. The hug and roll… that was the only way for me to get out of this situation. I prayed for my success and went on with the hug and roll. I hugged her and she hummed subconsciously and to be honest she was surprisingly pleasant as well. But throwing that thought away out of the window. I went with the next part. 

I rolled her to the side and slowly removed myself and she groaned and I was free. I sighed and got up quickly. This would have been very hard to explain if I was still there. I looked at her sleeping and I sighed and a smile crept up my face and I got dressed into the new clothes for exercise and went on for my morning routine.