Ch.63 Hogwarts here we come

Today was the day when I go back to Hogwarts, the winter vacation came to an end. I was a little sad to go back, but I had done mostly what I wanted to do during the break. I recorded the album, Released a few singles, created a mystery about me. But I couldn't get one thing done and it was the Tv network. 

But I'm not the one to easily give up, I decided to work on the network while I'm in school and getting it done before the school year comes to an end. It was a challenge but I was sure that I could do it.

All of us left for the station, Lizz wanted to come with to say goodbye to me but Steven declined it. She wasn't that happy but there wasn't anything that she could do. We reached the station early, there were only like a few people there. Astoria was still a little bit sleepy and was in Bella's arm. Florian who was carrying Daphne's trunk put it down and said, "Wow, we came early."

Daphne rubbed her eyes and said, "Yeah, that's cause of this jerk…" She yawned.

I looked at her and said, "Do you want a good cabin or not?"

Bella looked at us and chuckled, "Awe, you two are so cute."

I smirked and said, "Yes, yes I'm." I looked at Daphne and said, "Not too sure about her though, she looks like a banshee... with all that goop in her eyes" That comment got me a punch on my arm from lanky.

Florian sighed and said, "Well, you guys should get going now." He looked around and people were starting to come. He looked at me and said, "Keep, me informed huh?"

I nodded and he looked at Daphne and she nodded as well. She's a little spy isn't she… Bella woke Astoria up and put her down. "Now I want some pictures." 

I really didn't like those words and by the looks of it neither did Daphne. 


After a fifteen minute of photo session we finally managed to get into a cabin. I put Astoria and Daphne's Trunk up along with my briefcase. And sat down by the window. There was still some time before the train would depart like half an hour or something. I pulled out a book on magic theory and application and started to read it. Since I had yet to find anything that I wanted I just decided to make it from scratch. Which could be hard or not… I wasn't very sure.

As I was reading the book, Daphne's head rested on my shoulder. I decided to let her sleep since she might not have gotten enough sleep. Astoria was also sleeping in her lap. A small smile was plastered over my face, it felt nice. I went back to my book to do more research. 

After about 15 minutes the door opened and it was Ted he wasn't alone though beside him was Tracey. She looked a little taller than before just like me. Ted didn't see that Daphne and Astoria were asleep and was about to say something but Tracey gaged him with her hands and whispered, "Do not wake 'em up."

Ted looked back and nodded. Both of them walked in and Ted asked in a whisper, "How was the holiday's?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, it was good…" 

Tracey then looked at me and Daphne and asked, "What are you two wearing?"

Oh yeah, the three of us wore something more along the lines of similar outfits. Well, only one article of clothing was similar it was the ugly red sweater with a snowman and trees behind it. "Yeah, Bella… or Daphne's mom made us wear them… Not a big fan."

She smiled and asked, "You could have removed them after they left…"

I looked at her and said, "Yeah, but then I would have to get another sweater of my briefcase and it would have been inconvenient and all so…"

She chuckled and said, "You like them…"

I scoffed and said, "No, I don't… it's ugly and rough, it smells…" She looked at me and I grumbled, "Fine… it's nice."

Ted then asked, "So did you do it? I would have come to see the recording if I could but…"

I nodded and said, "I know buddy."

Tracey's eyes sparkled in excitement "Wow, you're done? You made an entire album in a month?"

I was confused at her excitement and asked, "Did Daphne not tell you?"

She shook her head, "She just went on and on about some girl."

Ted and I looked at Tracey and she said, "Not like that… she was complaining about some cunt who was living in her house."

I had a moment of realisation and it showed on my face and Tracey did not miss that and asked, "Who was it?"

And I told her about it and she lost it, "LIZZ ALLEN WAS IN HER HOUSE!" Her shreik woke both of them up. Daphne quickly removed her head and Astoria grumbled and went back to sleep.

Daphne asked, "What the hell? Why are you screaming?"

Tracey looked at Daphne and said, "You!" She tried to get more word out but it wasn't happening and Ted said, "Breathe, just breathe." She took in a few deep breaths and said, "Lizz Allen was in your house and you didn't say anything?"

Daphne looked at Tracey and said, "She is not all that special…" Tracey looked at her and said, "Of course you would think so… she was trying…."

Tracey was trying to say more but was stopped by Daphne's hissing at her best friend. Ted and I looked at them and Tracey said, "You could have gotten me an autograph on her new single!"

She huffed and sat with her hands folded and Daphne scoffed and said, "You can get an autograph from him, he was in it."

Tracey scoffed and looked at me and said, "Don't take this the wrong way but he is not Lizz."

Ted chuckled and raised his hand and said, "I see the similarities, all that she is missing is his…" He was stopped by the combined glare of them. He looked at me and I said, "Dude." I raised my hand and high five him.

As the two were bickering Tori came in and I waved and said, "Hey, Tori."

She walked in and put her trunk up and she eyed Ted and he slid to the side and Tori sat by the window. I looked at time and there was still like 10 minutes to spare and I said, "You came early, for the first time."

She smiled and said, "Yeah… I woke up and early to dunk water on Harry so that we'd be on time."

I chucked and she asked, "So how were the recordings?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, they went well… speaking of which." I got up and got my briefcase and gave them all a copy of my album and a Walkman.

Tori looked at me and asked, "I thought you would release them on cd?"

I nodded and explained, "Yeah, they would… but I'm also releasing them on Cassette because they are portable and cheeper."

She hummed and asked about Tracey and Daphne, "Why are they fighting?"

I sighed and said, "Daphne didn't tell her that Lizz was staying with us."

Tori scoffed and Tracey looked at her and asked, "Did you know it as well?"

Tori nodded and said, "Yeah, but she is not all that…" At the same time both Daphne and Tori in sync said, "She's a bitch."

I looked at them both and said, "Wow, you two really hate her huh?"

Ted looked at them and asked, "Yeah, why?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't know, she was nice to me." 

Daphne said to Tracey, "You see what I'm talking about?"

Tracey sighed and said, "Yeah, but still, not cool."

The train started to move and I said, "Ah, and just on time… Hogwarts here we come."