Ch.86 Good night Paris

Hey guys, I just want to say that this one is a big chapter. But I'm trying to end it quickly and I saw a comment from Zaqueen about action sequence and I'm very thankful for it.

It gave me an idea for the first interaction between the professor and Jon. Thanks for that.

On another note there was someone who said that the spirit animal was like eagle. I don't really see it fitting with him. But that's a discussion for a later date. Right now, just enjoy the chapter.


The daylight burnt away and a cool moon took its place, glowing shimmering in the ever black sky. Jon sat on the soft grass of the garden outside with the toads and crickets that had come alive at night. Their sounds were harmonised or at least seemed like it to him. A cool summer breeze went by soothing him or at least tried to.

He had returned from Place Cachée with Fleur. After wanding it's bustling streets under what Jon called a plain guise. He tried his best to ask or demand Hermione to forgive him. But he didn't know how well it worked.

Well he'll find out tomorrow anyway. He was a little baffled by her, she recognized him very quickly. Not doubting his ability to disguise himself, even Ed had a moment of doubt before he was sure but not her.

Jon sighed and stared into nowhere his thoughts, his mind wondering about them. A change was afoot and he knew it in his bones but wasn't ready to accept the truth.

"How are you feeling, little rock?" A familiar voice rang in his ears pulling him back into the world. He didn't need to look but he didn't know what to say. So he said what everyone else would say

"Good... A little tired." Ed sat down along the grass with what he considered a little brother. "How about you? I'm sure those old cats were nowhere near as much fun."

"Well we all can't just go on little dates with beauty like her. We have jobs to do. Unlike you." He chuckled as he brushed his shoulder against Jon's

"30,000 can you imagine it?" Ed said with a sense of amazement only to find disappointment on the face of his said little brother.

"That's it?"

"Huh? What do you mean that's it? It's 30 thousand."

"Yeah and I thought there would be more... I had better sales than that."

"Not everyone can afford the tickets. Everyone is not made of money like you little bro."

Jon sighed and looked down at the grass and plucked out a thimble of grass and said, "30,000 huh?"

"30,000" Ed said with a smile


"Once... I have been there once and it didn't end well."

Ed chuckled at his answer and Jon looked at him and just couldn't help but smile. "The thing that I asked earlier... Am I going to get an answer?"

Ed looked at him and smiled, "Once, the kind that people make crappy movies about. I had that once."

"What happened?"

"Didn't end well... She died."

"Sorry." Jon looked down

"Don't be..." Ed looked at him and patted on his back

"If you had a chance to do it all over again... What would you do?" Jon looked up and waited for Ed's answer.

"I would do it in a heartbeat... There are not that many things in life that can keep me happy. She was one of them." He looked at him and a calm washed over Ed's face. "What about you? Why all these questions about love? I thought you would have been clear on the matter from the looks of your songs and all."

Jon looked at the sky and gathered the words trying to find a way to put it together so that it made sense to someone "I feel like I'm standing on an ocean shore with these waves of emotions trying to bring down this wall that I have made to protect myself.

I feel the waves crashing on the wall and they feel warm but I don't want to bring it down but then there is this feeling that's eating at my heart whenever I decide not to.

I have felt things, emotions, friendship, everything. But love is something that has been alien to me. I've never felt it before. And it scares me that I might not be capable of it."

Ed looked at him and just smiled and calmly said, "You might not have known it but you are loved. Even if it's some other form of it but you have and being scared is justified." He sighed and said, "When I first met you I thought you were weird and I still do now." Both of them chuckled. "But I always thought that you were growing too fast or were already grown up with all the innocence snatched away from you."

"Now?" Jon asked curiously

"I see a kid, growing up... Having the same problems every other kid goes through... Change. The changes in your body and mind are scary when you think of it. But it's necessary."

"I'll be fine then?" Jon asked with hope.

"Not really... I can't say for sure. It's you, nothing is normal around you. But what I'm sure of is that when you come out the other end. You'll be the best person you can be."

Ed smiled as he wrapped his arm around Jon's shoulder and Jon smiled and for a long time in his mind he felt fine with it.


Number Four, Privet Drive was the pristine, suburban home of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and their son Dudley, located in the Surrey town of Little Whinging. But right now it has other occupants in their home.

Lily, Petunia's sister, had come to visit her sister and had brought along her two children. Harry was coming up in the room of Dudley right now trying to get some sleep in. Dudley had been annoying him and his sister ever since they arrived.

Though Victoria didn't have such a pesky little problem like Dudley. She had a bigger problem roaming around in Paris. God knows what he was doing right now? Was the thought that plagued Victoria's mind.

As she was lying in the guest bedroom. She was bored out of her mind and was watching the ceiling and wondering about Jon. She did bring some books along to occupy her mind. But she just wasn't in a good place right now.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Victoria heard it but she didn't think much of it and then her mom's voice came in her ears. She was out of earshot to get what her mom was saying so she got up and went to check and she saw Daphne standing there with a bag in her hand and lily said, "Look who came to meet you."

Victoria didn't know how to react to her visit but she managed to pry a smile out of her dull face and they made their way into the guest room and Lily said, "I'll bring snacks in a minute. Do you want some tea Daphne?"

Daphne politely shook her head and they went on their way. Victoria locked the door and stood against it. Daphne looked at her and asked, "How are you?"

Victoria let out a mixture of scoff and chuckle "I'm fine... How about you?"

Daphne shrugged and said, "About the same." She looked around and asked, "Bored?"

Victoria nodded and made her way to the bed and sat down next to her and said, "There isn't much to do here... Don't have any friends."

Daphne smiled and said, "Well I'm here now."

They talked a little about everything and it mostly just involved Jon and how he made his escape and all and somehow that took up the evening and Daphne looked at Victoria and hesitantly asked, "Do you want to see him?"

Victoria was confused about it "I don't know... And besides, we don't have that magic Tv here."

Daphne had a sly smile on her face as she pulled a medium sized mirror out of her bag and said, "Tada! Dad made it for me. To take it to Hogwarts."

Victoria looked at the mirror and said, "I don't know." A sudden grip on her chest made her feel like it was being clutched by a hand and she said, "Do you think it's a good idea?"

Daphne shrugged and said, "Don't know, but I really want to see him..." She looked at her friend and said, "Come on I know you want to... We can bitch about it later?"

Victoria chuckled and she agreed to it and Daphne turned it on and they were watching it and it showed a grand stage with rows and columns going long and above. With large mirrors around the stage displaying colours in a playful manner and the centre one showed the band that was performing right now. They waited anxiously to just see a glimpse of him.

After the last performance was done the curtains fell and a man came on stage wearing a blue velvet suit. The man had a handlebar moustache. "That was singes idiots. A round of applause for them..." A cheer of claps was there but it was that heart felt or something more like an obligation of sorts.

The man saw that and cleared the throat and said, "And now the man you have been waiting for... The teen wizard sensation the maker of wizard pop. Jonathan House!"

They both sat and leaned closer to the mirror and clutched their pillows. Finally the wait was over, the curtains rose up and Jon was there with a grand piano. He was wearing a grey loose t-shirt and jeans. His hair was roughly styled looking a little wild.

They looked at him and an involuntary sigh was released from their breath and Victoria looked at him and said, "Look at him, he looks sooo... Good." She groaned and Daphne nodded and whined and said, "I want to kiss him."

Victoria just nodded in agreement to what was just uttered out of Daphne's mouth. Jon started playing without saying anything. He was playing Beethoven Für Elise.

Victoria's eyes widened as she recognized what he was going to sing and Daphne asked, "What is it?"

"I think he's talking to us." Daphne was surprised and decided to listen closely.

They weren't the only ones who were surprised by Jon's choice of music to open the show. They didn't know that he had the much more classical side to him and it pleasantly surprised everyone but that wasn't the end of it. With him things never end simple. Suddenly the tune changed and people started to focus on it.

Jon closed his eyes and started the show as he wanted to.


I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care

But it's so cold and I don't know where

I brought you daffodils in a pretty string

But they won't flower like they did last spring

And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright

I'm just so tired to share my nights

There was something in his voice that made everyone forget where they were. Captivating everyone's attention to this singular moment, everyone was listening, not just hearing.

I wanna cry and I wanna love

But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up, up 🎵🎶

"Let's go" he playfully said and the tune of the song changed to a more powerful one. One played with pure passion and purpose. The bass and the drums followed him along with the base vocals. This moment made even the most sophisticated fat cats pumped up and a loud cheer were harmonised with the music.


And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight

But my hand's been broken one too many times

So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude

Words, they always win, but I know I'll lose

And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours

But I sang 'em all to another heart

And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love

But all my tears have been used up

A single tear pooled in Victoria's eyes as she murmured "There was more to it... Than I knew."

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up, up 🎵🎶

Like a maniac the young lad poured his heart out to the strangers, yet in this moment there were none more closer to him than them. His thoughts and words moved them.

He chuckled and looked at the crowd and said, "Let's fucking go Paris!"

The chorus and the harmony wasn't just being sung by him or his band mates anymore, everyone in the hall was singing along with him.

🎵🎶Oh, need a love, now

My heart is thinking of

I wanna sing a song that'd be just ours

But I sang 'em all to another heart

And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love

But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up

On another love, another love

All my tears have been used up, up🎵🎶

The last moments of the song were like a calm after a storm. Slowly the song slowed down as it had once begun and as it ended a huge roaring of crowds heard.

He turned around to look at them and said, "How are you good witches and wizards of Paris!"

Another loud cheering from the crowd made him happy and then the band started another of his songs, this time a more upbeat one. "Dear Maria, count me in."


The night was coming to an end yet no one wanted it to. Even the people who were watching it from their homes didn't want it to end but it had to. Jon was now winded and was catching up his breaths. He was sweating and it showed up on his t-shirt.

He took the mic and sat at the edge of the stage. He took the hem of the Tshirt and whipped his sweat off his forehead. The girls squealed and cheered him and he just chuckled and laughed at it, "I had to do it... Can't get my mic wet."

Some of them laughed others were at least amused and he asked, "How did you like the show?"

A loud cheer was heard and he raised his eyebrows and said, "That's not an answer, just shouting."

They laughed and he said, "Well the show ended with that song... But I don't want to leave it here. I started on a sad song even though I was told not to."

They booed and he turned around and he said, "You heard that Ed... They are booing you." He shook his head "Anyway, I wanted to apologise for it... So, you guys have a little more in you to hear another one?"

They cheered again and he said, "Still that's just shouting."

Back in Victoria's home, both the girls were now worried. "He might hurt his voice."

"Yeah. Ed should stop him."

Jon got up from the stage and made his way to the synthesiser and said, "I apologise if my French is a little off." The sound of drums was heard. Slowly all the other instruments were coming together like the baritone saxophone, vibraphone and of course the synthesiser that Ed was working on.

With everything finalised the music stopped and Jon walked over to the edge of the stage and said, "I started the show with a song that I sang to one of my... Friend. I want to end it for another one of my friends. That has been an awful lot of fun... Give it up for Fleur."

A young french woman who wore a red dress peaked her head out and waved and then went back in. The behaviour made everyone laugh a little. Well not everyone, certainly not the two girls watching it all from home.

"Womaniser." Both of them said in a single tone.

"This is the last show of the song and I want everyone to enjoy it." The vibraphone started playing and he said, "So get up from your seats... Throw caution to the wind... And let's dance." The saxophone joined in the mix and the song started.

🎵🎶Alors on

Alors on

Alors on

Qui dit étude dit travail

Qui dit taf te dit les thunes

Qui dit argent dit dépenses

Et qui dit crédit dit créance

Qui dit dette te dit huissier

Et lui dit assis dans la merde

Qui dit amour dit les gosses

Dit toujours et dit divorce

Qui dit proches te dit deuils

Car les problèmes ne viennent pas seuls

Qui dit crise te dit monde

Dit famine, dit tiers-monde

Et qui dit fatigue dit réveil

Encore sourd de la veille

Alors on sort pour oublier tous les problèmes

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Et là tu te dis que c'est fini

Car pire que ça ce serait la mort

Quand tu crois enfin que tu t'en sors

Quand y en a plus et ben y en a encore

Est-ce la zik ou les problèmes?

Les problèmes ou bien la musique

Ça te prend les tripes, ça te prend la tête

Et puis tu pries pour que ça s'arrête

Mais c'est ton corps, c'est pas le ciel

Alors tu te bouches plus les oreilles

Et là tu cries encore plus fort

Et ça persiste

Alors on chante



Alors on chante



Alors on chante

Alors on chante

Et puis seulement quand c'est fini

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Alors on danse

Et ben y en a encore

Et ben y en a encore

Et ben y en a encore

Et ben y en a encore

Et ben y en a encore🎵🎶

"Ce fut un plaisir Paris et bonne nuit."