16 years later

16 years later.

Breaking news!

One of the most eligible bachelors, the genius business tycoon Archer Cardale got married!

''You may now kiss the bride.''

As soon as the priest finished his words, the crowd cheered for the couple.

The groom stepped closer and lifted the veil from the bride's face.

The catch?

Cheers died down and the audience looked at the bride in shock.

''She is not Emily Hale!" Someone shouted after a long period of silence.''The bride has been replaced!"

And the place erupted in chaos.

*Flashback* (Before 36 hours)

Relis, UK.

In a luxurious seaside resort.

''Alex, our son is getting married tomorrow and you are reading these?!'' The short-haired brunette frowned as she glanced at the hot-pink-colored webnovel in her husband's hand, ''Cold President's Hot Secretary…. Jesus, I even feel ashamed looking at the title,'' Della snatched the book from him.

''Love,'' Alex pushed himself to his feet, ''I'm only retaining the feeling of being young.''


''Anyways…'' Alex stepped closer to her.

Della blushed, ''You…'' Her phone beeped and she pushed him away before checking the text, ''Oh, Dahlia's niece is here already.''

''Be it Dahlia or Marigold, they can wait,'' Alex leaned closer.


''Do you even remember who Dahlia is?" Della asked.

That successfully got the 'hot-blooded mode activated' man's attention. He had a few question marks hanging above his head as he looked at her.

Della sighed, ''Remember the woman who looked after our kids back when they were young?"

''That hot-tempered babysitter…Ouch..!" Alex winced as a punch landed on his chest.

''Don't address her like that,'' Della scoffed, ''Her daughter…''

Alex interrupted her, ''Just be careful, darling. Poor people… you never really know what's on their mind. What if she manipulates you?" he warned.

''I wonder when you'd drop this rich-poor mentality of yours,'' she turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.

Della massaged her forehead while trying to look for the woman in the picture.

Dahlia used to babysit her kids until she quit her job because of her bad health.

The woman had approached her for help after years because her niece needed a job.

With the wedding preparations going on, the resort was so crowded that it was impossible to find a particular person.

In the end, Della ended up calling her son, ''Archie, help mom with this….'' She briefed him about the situation, ''Yes, I will send you her picture,'' she hung up.

Since her son took a matter into his hands, she knew she could stop worrying about it.

A row of black cars stopped at the entrance of the grand resort.

The bodyguards approached the car in the middle before opening the door.

One fair leg came to everyone's view followed by another as the person inside alighted the car. Donned in a beautiful high-neck teal bodycon dress, she had let her shoulder-length straight hair open.

As she removed the shades from her eyes, a pair of ink-black eyes came into view. The woman's beauty made everyone steal glances at her when she was not looking.

''Is this the place?" She looked around.

''Yes, President,'' her secretary approached her.

The entrance gates were pushed open and a long trail of men walked out. Leading them was a familiar figure… the head of the great Cardale Family, Alex Cardale.

Alex stepped forward, extending his hand towards her, ''It's nice meeting you, President Delaney,'' Being a long-time fan of her artworks, he could not help but be excited at the sight of her.

In fact, if not for his son choosing his childhood sweetheart, Alex wanted to set him up with this woman.

The fact that his wife was still angry at him flew out of his mind momentarily as enjoyed his 'fanman' moment.

''Likewise,'' Claire shook hands with him.

They walked inside, followed by Claire's secretary, her bodyguards, and the people who came to catch a glimpse of her.

She was famous but never in the spotlight, it was even tougher to see her in person.

''I wasn't able to prepare a proper welcome for you,'' Alex sighed.

''That's fine. Wedding preparations can be troublesome,'' Noticing his curious look, she clarified, ''I have seen a lot of weddings in the place I came from so I know.''

Alex laughed, ''President Delaney…''

''Call me Claire instead,'' she interrupted him with a laugh, ''I feel old…Ahh…'' She staggered when someone bumped into her.

Claire felt a cold liquid on her neck, dripping down her dress, ''You… How dare you!" She raised her hand and slapped the woman in front of her.

The woman's face was whipped to the side by the force of the slap.

The secretary immediately removed his suit jacket and draped it around Claire who glanced at the woman donning a plain white dress, her loose curls framed her face, ''Are you blind…?'' She glanced at the broken glass shards and the spilled orange juice on the floor, ''What kind of servants are they?" She turned to look at Alex.

''Manager,'' Alex yelled, ''Kick her out.''

''No… I…''

''Shut up!" Claire interrupted the woman, glancing at her dress, ''You should already be thankful that I am not asking you to compensate for this. Bloody illiterate!"

''Sir, she doesn't work for us,'' the manager informed Alex.

''What?" Alex frowned. ''Security…!''


Alex raised his head in the direction of the voice and spotted his nephew walking towards him, ''Emir.''

''You are scaring her,'' Emir noticed the woman's trembling shoulders, ''Hey, are you fine?" he asked.

The woman slowly raised her head when she heard his voice.

Emir froze. A pair of blue eyes full of tears looked straight at him.

She is beautiful. He thought.

''God, don't cry,'' he handed her his handkerchief.

''Emir! Do you even know what you are doing?'' Alex could sense how upset Claire was.


''Enough,'' Alex interrupted him knowing how stubborn his nephew could be, the polar opposite of his understanding son who would always do what was decided for him, ''Guards, escort her out,'' He filtered his words this time, replacing the 'throw' with 'escort' to coax his nephew.

He had yet to read his romance webnovels properly but now he was caught up in his own family drama.

Emir's heart ached as he watched the woman crying.

His fingers curled into a fist and he was about to step forward but he halted in his tracks when he heard a crisp voice.


Everyone's attention shifted to the man who strode towards them, his every step emanating authority.

The main man of the wedding of the century. The groom.

''What's going on here? What's up with all this ruckus?" he removed the shades and a pair of dark eyes roamed everywhere before settling on his father.

''Son,'' Alex was relieved that Archer was here. He trusted his son with everything.

Archer flashed his Dad an 'I got this' dimpled smile.

And Alex was further relieved, his heart settling at peace.

As long as his VIP guest was not offended.

"Why are you here? I sent you to the other side for work," Archer raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the woman who had her head lowered.

Alex: "_"

The woman tilted her head, looking bewildered, "W-What…"

Archer stepped towards her and his broad body covered her from the views of the people who were standing behind him.

Emir, who was standing beside them, saw the way he winked at her.

'Play along' Archer mouthed.

"I…" her eyes widened, "I'm sorry," she gulped.

"She spilled juice on our VIP guest. Do you think I need servants like these?" Alex frowned.

''I gave my word about keeping her for work. It won't do any good to my reputation if she goes around running her mouth off…" he stepped towards Claire letting out a troubled sigh, "Moreover, President Delaney will come across as a petty person, or worse, a jealous woman who can't stand a beautiful servant. It won't do any good to her reputation as well."

Claire stepped towards him, her fingers fiddling with the edge of her shades, "Did you just call me ugly?"

Archer feigned shock, "I just called her beautiful."

Claire looked at him intensely for a moment and he looked back at her, quite innocently.

"I am tired," Claire stepped back from him before fanning herself, "Show me the way."

Alex looked at the scene, not expecting this issue to be resolved just like this, "Lead Claire to the room assigned to her.''

Claire flipped her hair and walked towards the staircase followed by her guards and the servants.

"Party is over. Everyone, disperse!" Emir clapped his hand and shooed the onlookers from the scene.

Alex left. His pink-covered babies were waiting for him in his room~

Archer turned around to look at the woman, ''And you… follow me,'' he motioned his thumb towards his back before stepping towards the staircase.

The woman hesitated for a few moments before she followed him, her nervous eyes constantly darting around.

Archer led her to his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

She gripped her dress.

''Quit your fantasies. I am not interested in you,'' Archer clicked his tongue.

''Why would you lie outside?" As he raised an eyebrow, she added, ''…Sir, I am just curious.''

''You appear quite bold now unlike your meek self from earlier,'' he scanned her from head to toe, ''This is you, right?'' he flashed the text on his phone that he received from his mother which had her picture attached to it.