Fairytale Wedding

Della glanced at her son and her husband with tears in her eyes, ''Did you think I gain anything from it?" she stepped back from them, ''Everything I do is for our family and our reputation…'' she glanced at her husband, ''Yet all you know is how to blame me. Alex, do you find it funny?"

Archer did not say anything to calm his mother. Usually, he would have done that but not today.

Alex grabbed his wife's shoulders and pulled her into his arms, ''I just… It doesn't make sense at all….''

''Where is Emily, Mom?" Archer interrupted their sweet moment without any consideration, ''I don't see Uncle Andrew anywhere as well…''

''Andrew left for a business meeting around dawn. He had texted me…'' Alex informed his son.

Elvina lowered her head to hide her smile. Andrew's phone was useful after all.

Della walked towards her and she hugged the woman, ''Don't be sad. You are Dahlia's niece and now, I see you like my own. I was the one who pushed you into this. None of this is your fault.''

Archer's lips twitched. Sad? Elvina looked so nonchalant back there that he assumed that she could not be happier after marrying him.

"_" Elvina let the woman hug her, although feeling a bit awkward.

''Mom, where is Emily?!"

''Earlier, she was still there. I saw her getting ready and she had even worn the gown,'' Della turned around to look at her son, ''Your father was supposed to walk her down the aisle because her Uncle left so before he went to receive her, I decided to check on her to see whether she was ready or not.''

Alex remembered his wife informing him about it before she left while he was still getting ready.

''But when I went to her room… she was nowhere to be seen and I found this,'' She handed a tissue paper to her son.

Archer read the words written on it.

'I finally realized how much of a big mistake I was going to make by being in a loveless marriage. Sorry but I don't want this… Like you suggested earlier, let's call it off now.'

''My mind stopped working. There are thousands of people in this venue, countless big shots, and the media. Our reputation, our name, everything was at stake. You are the CEO of Cardale Empires and there is no way I was going to let people make fun of you after your bride called off the marriage at the very last moment…''

''So, you made a joke on my life instead?" Archer's lips tugged up in a mocking smile.

''You didn't love Emily and you were still marrying her. The same goes for Elvina. I know her Aunt for years and she is a nice girl. What's the difference?" Della sighed.

''I agreed to Emily and her…'' he gazed at Elvina, ''You imposed her on me. That's the difference.''

''Do you think I'd have done this? If it was not because of your sister...'' Della's eyes pricked with tears, ''Our reputation is already tainted because of what your sister did a year ago… How could I let you walk down the same path?"

Archer took a step back, raking his fingers inside his dark hair, ''So, you decided to manipulate your decisions into my life instead?"

''Archer!" Alex snarled, his tone warning him to not disrespect his mother.

''Let's go,'' Archer stepped back from his parents, turned towards Elvina, and grabbed her wrist before storming out of the room.

Della looked at her son's retreating back, ''He is disappointed in me, isn't he?"

Emir, who was quiet till this point also left, leaving Alex and Della alone in the room.

Alex approached his wife, ''Even if you had to find a replacement, why her?"

''She is a nice girl,'' Della defended Elvina, ''I trust Dahlia's upbringing.''

''Della, I told you not to be manipulated by the poor people. They can do anything and when I say anything, I mean… ANYTHING… for their profits.''

''Elvi is not that kind of girl.''

''You know her just in 24 hours of meeting her?"

Della sighed, ''I don't know but she…sigh… Alex, I didn't have another choice at that time and she seems so perfect for our son. Don't you think so?"

''No, I don't. Our son is way out of her league,'' he said, pulling her into his arms, ''But you did well today. Everything was in chaos initially when the guests saw her face but when Archer proceeded with the wedding smoothly, people started assuming things.''

''What did they assume?" she asked when he paused, ''Why did you stop mid-way?"

''That's called a cliffhanger. I learned this from webnovels. When the author stops at an interesting point of a story, leaving the readers in suspense then the readers beg the author to update faster.''

"_" Della was speechless, ''You… You are not some author and I am not a reader who needs to beg you.''

''I am your husband and you are my wife. So kiss me if you want the details.''


Della stood on her tiptoes and pecked his lips, ''Be quick now.''

He cupped her face and kissed her harder before he let her go, ''Word has spread that Elvina was a servant here and our son fell in love with her at the first sight. So, in the end, he backed away from the marriage of convenience and this fairytale wedding happened. So, no one casted any negative light on him and this marriage turned out to be profitable.''

''See, I told you Elvi is the best.''

''…Best option for the time being,'' Alex murmured, earning himself a punch from his wife.

''Can you slow down?" Elvina frowned as Archer dragged her out of the room.

The man either did not listen to her words or he just ignored her because he did not stop at all as he walked towards the staircase.

''Goddammit, wear these heels and this gown, and then try walking like that!" Elvina tugged at his hand in annoyance, frustration getting the best of her.

Archer's footsteps came to a halt.