I will be good

Their mother, the queen of the Siren Clan was one of the strongest sirens but to their father, she has always been a delicate woman who could not lift an object when she was sick, who was just meant to rest and be pampered by him while he shouldered all the tedious tasks in the world.

Now she was gone and he was losing the spark in his eyes.

His body was filled with blood but his stealth never wavered, not until now when he suddenly went limp, his eyes slowly closing.

After squeezing every bit of their blood, tears, and flesh, the humans... ironically, the creatures who were more inhumane than anyone in the world, more ruthless than the sirens are known to be...

The bunch of heartless humans, after doing such corrosive horrific things were not done with their antics yet.

Their greed... would it be their doom one day?