Best wife

And further unbelievable was the fact that she kissed him and said that they can give this relationship a try because she thought he was interested in men and will definitely reject her. She thought she was so smart until reality struck...

"Ahhhh..." Elvina slammed her head on the door out of embarrassment but the hit went a bit too hard and she winced. 

She pressed her palm on her forehead, soothing her pain. 

Then without another thought, she dashed towards the bed before jumping on it and burying herself in the blankets.

Elvina hugged a bolster and snapped her eyes shut forcefully. She refused to let that man invade her thoughts. Humph!

Crazy human!


Cocky man!


Ahh..No. Don't think about him at all. 

The next morning. 

The sunlight filtered inside the room through the white curtains, and the birds chirped.