Angry Claire

With that thought in mind, he was about to place his hand down but she grabbed the phone from his hand. 

She quickly typed her number before handing it back to him, "Here you go."

He noticed the calculative look that flashed across her face. 

A sly bunny? The corner of his lips twitched ever so slightly. He wondered what she was scheming in that head of yours though his expressions did not give anything away.

Archer dialed her number and the phone in her band started ringing. 

She flashed it at him. 

She was about to leave but he was quick to grab her wrist. 


Before Elvina could accuse Archer of taking advantage of her, he placed something in her palm and wrapped her fingers around it before taking his hand back. 

Elvina glanced at him questioningly for a moment before she looked at the keys in her hand.