Not bad

Sean did not expect them to track him down in the first place since he left no clues that can lead anyone to him so fast but when he saw Maven and Claire at his doorstep, the gears in his brain started turning almost immediately.

He remembered that Maven Larsen was carrying that woman in his arms when they walked out of the cafe. It had to mean that they had something going on. 

And that woman gave him the perfect opportunity by walking closer to him. He immediately held her at the gunpoint, feeling smug about his presence of mind. He thought he had the situation under control when she was limp in his grip, barely moving or struggling. 

She had to be terribly scared. For a woman so rich, blessed with beautiful looks, talented and artistic fingers, she had to be a pampered princess of some sort. That's what he assumed until... she showed him what she was. 

And the tables turned.