Who did that to you?

''You mean the night before your wedding with Emily Hale,'' Elvina interrupted him.

Archer paused for a moment before shaking his head, ''It's you whom I married.'' 

''It's her you were supposed to marry,'' she said in a mimicking tone, lowering her eyes to look at the wine in her glass before she drank a few gulps.

''Is that jealousy?" Archer asked, narrowing his eyes to study her carefully, ''Are being jealous now, little bunny?"

''I have never been jealous of anyone or anything in my entire life,'' As if any lowlife could do that to her. She glared at him, ''You need to stop with those nicknames of yours,'' From which angle did she resemble a bunny or an egg?

God knows if Archer paid attention to her words or not as he continued speaking, ''So, the night before our wedding, you came running to me... to that terrace on the rooftop. You were crying when you hugged me.'' 

Elvina paused. Why was he bringing it up now?