
Claire did not let her smile falter but her heart was screaming by now. Her Aunt did not miss a single detail, ''But Andrew Hale was directly or indirectly more related to Archer and Livy had her suspicions that Archer Cardale would be a more useful pawn compared to Emir who barely had anything to do with the Cardale Family politics,'' she said, sounding convincing but only she knew the truth. 

Pawn, my ass. When she asked Elvina about why she chose Archer, her dearest younger sister said 'To make this more interesting'. 

Claire would be a fool to not know that there was something behind this. Some reason that was enshrouded in mystery. Her little sister was definitely up to something but she could not show her thoughts on her face right now.

Not to her Aunt. 

Dahlia nodded, ''That's right, he is the heir after all,'' she sounded convinced. 

But before Claire could let out a sigh of relief, another question dropped.