A little chat with you

Elvina lowered her head. When she heard his voice in the washroom, she was brain dead almost immediately. Before they disconnected their call, she had to utter that 'mm' in a really low voice.

Luckily, she was quick to join the dots when she heard the echo in his voice and while talking to him, she changed her tone, lowering it and making it a tad bit husky. 

Even her sister won't recognize it, let alone him. 

''Don't bother explaining. I am sure you have your reasons,'' Archer said, his brows tugging together slightly, ''And although it was not my intention but I overheard a bit of your conversation with your mom.'' 

Overheard my conversation with mom? I wish you did... I wish she was here to hold a conversation with me. It would have been mostly scoldings that you would have definitely enjoyed.