Fond memories

As soon as Claire stepped inside her car, she stepped on the accelerator and sped away without looking back at the people at the scene.

She did not know how long she drove before her vision was blurred.

Claire stepped on the brakes and the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of the empty streets. 

'That night..was the only chance for me to make my best friend forgive me for something that happened in the past.' 

'I got pregnant at 21 and for the sake of my family, I had to get married but truth to be told, I never disliked it because of the man I was getting married to... I had the biggest crush on him for years.' 

Now, both Maven's and Lily's words started clicking and Claire could put the pieces together.

But she could not put a finger on the reason behind the piercing pain in her heart. 

She raised both her hands and wiped the tears from her eyes.