I am in a relationship

''But I understood what was going on. I fooled Anna into believing that you were acting on orders.'' 

''Thank god, it happened at right time. You guys managed to dupe Archer,'' Claire sighed in relief. 

''It's not that easy,'' Noah leaned back on the couch, ''Archer is not an easy target. He still trusts me but I can't be sure how long he will trust Elvina.''

Noah coolly managed to lie to Archer but whenever Elvina lied to him, she felt uncomfortable so instead of lying all the time, she told him half-truths most of the time. And he did not micro-observe Noah's actions or expressions to find out what the man was up to unlike what he did to her. Around him, she felt like she was walking on eggshells. 

If it was a few weeks ago that someone bothered her this much, then Elvina would have been plotting a way to kill them swiftly. But... killing Archer, it sounded like a joke to her own ears.