We are family

Maybe Emir went to such a place that even Claire was having difficulties finding his whereabouts. 

But that did not make sense. Their connections were not that weak. It would take a few minutes for their subordinates to locate a person. 

Pushing the matter to the back of her head, Elvina got dressed and applied some light makeup to her face. 


The sound of notification on her phone caught her attention and she quickly approached the bedside table before picking it up. 

There was an incoming call from an unknown number. 

Elvina frowned. Not many people had her number then who could this be…?

She answered the call, ''Who is this?" she asked, putting the phone beside her ear. 

''It's me.'' 


''Yes, can't you recognize my voice?" 

''Hey, the voice sounds different on phone,'' Elvina was dumbfounded, ''And what strange number is this?"