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Mature Content 18+

As soon as she uttered the 'yes', it was as if the atmosphere was subtly shifting between them.

Archer's eyes held hers captive in a way that made her chest heave up and down.

Her plans, her revenge… every chess piece in her head was disintegrating into dust as he let go of both her hands that he was pinning above her head.

His hand gently held her palm as his rough, calloused thumb grazed the back of her palm, in slow, gentle motions.

His other hand found its way to her hips as he drew her close, the hand on her hips shifting behind her back right inside her dark hair that was sprawled behind in a mess.

He pulled her gently towards him—giving her just enough time to back off if she did not want this.

But she simply leaned closer to him, unsure about how to phrase what she wanted.