I trust you more than myself

Mature Content. 18+


''Everytime you say my name, you make me hard,'' he said, a playful smile tugging at the edge of his lips. 

Elvina's lips parted but no words came out. His dirty talking turned her all the time on but it left her with zero retorts.

That's the secret he was talking about? ''R-Really?" she whispered, averting her gaze to hide the possible redness that must have crept up her cheeks. 

''Look at me,'' Archer said and she slowly looked back at the man who was kneeling between her legs, ''Now, lift your hips, Liv,'' he whispered. 

Elvina felt herself clenching down there as she placed her palms on the bed as she lifted her lips. 

He pulled her panties down swiftly, shifting to the other side of her leg as he slid it all the way down to her ankles before discarding them completely. 

''You didn't rip it usually how they do it in novels,'' the careless words slipped from her mouth before she could filter them.