Look at me

''Say that again,'' The rims of his eyes turned red as he looked at her face, ''Look at my face and say it again,'' his voice still softened when he talked to her. 

Claire glanced at Maven. The hurt and betrayal in his eyes crushed her heart in a way she had never expected. It hurt her way more than when she misunderstood him and thought that he was in love with Lily. 

''Let's stop whatever was going on between us,'' Claire swallowed the huge lump in her throat as she continued, ''My fiancé was not around. You were there. I got lonely and… I got carried away a bit. I'd like to apologize to you for that. So, let's just stop it here.'' 

Maven stepped back from her like he was in disbelief. 

Like she ripped his heart out of his chest and dug her nails inside it like she trampled on his heart till nothing was left of it.