Clairphy's law

''I am not even sure if my powers will work on him. If they don't, then he will find it strange that his friend's wife came to stand in front of him and asked him to forget his girlfriend. It would become complicated,'' Elvina continued speaking.

''I still want you to try,'' Claire placed her palms on her lap, ''I think that your powers might work on him.'' 

''Even if they do work on him, both of us don't have a power which can help us erase their memories. I can only manipulate their memories. But if I do so, Maven will still feel like he is missing something, he will feel like he is forgetting something important. If his feelings for you are strong, then there are chances that he will remember you, or else, he will keep being bothered about what he is forgetting,'' Elvina said seriously. 

''I know but…'' Claire blinked her tears away, ''I broke up with him. Livy, I have decided.'' 

''What did you decide?" Elvina frowned.