
As Elvina watched Archer helping Claire on the couch, almost with a cutely bootlicking attitude as he cooed her, she suddenly felt a bit jealous over the partiality and different treatments. 

What is up with him coaxing his sister while he literally snapped at her? 

Not like she would have taken it well if he acted that way with Claire but she could not help but feel like drawing circles in a corner. 

She felt a bit wronged. 

Claire blinked at his sudden 180-degree shift, ''Cough..'' she cleared her throat, ''How did you know?"

She knew that she should have left but being the good elder sister she was, she could not leave when Elvina looked like a hurt puppy. 

She understood where Archer was coming from but Elvina was not the one to blame entirely. Their circumstances were. 

Some truths are better kept under wraps. 

After all, how did the reality of her identity change the dynamic between her and Maven?