
Elvina cut him off, ''Even if there is information about our private life on tabloids, I can assure you that no one publicized the fact that I am posing as Kate Jones in Archer's company. And you still knew that. Don't be a fool whose shoulder could potentially be used to shoot someone else's gun,'' she frowned. 

Elvina rubbed her shoulder as she turned around and left. 

As she stroked her shoulders, Emir heard her mumbling something like 'And thank the heavens that he cares about you or else…' under her breath. He could not catch the end of her sentence. 

Emir stood there quietly, the guilt of manhandling her in a moment of rage simmered down a bit and her words started sinking in his head. 

Did she mean that someone was using him to target her and Archer? 

His face was filled with conflict. 

When he started receiving texts from that unknown number, he had his suspicions too. But his feelings for Elvina had blinded him…