Chapter 6 : The Start Of The Hidden Quest 2/2.

Leo was walking slowly, looking at his surroundings. He needed to find the man in dark robes. Who lost his royalty as a duke after he got called out as a perverted light priest, and now he became a simple nobody. The quest was given by him. Finally after strolling for a long time he found the man. One needed to have extreme love for milfs to activate this weird quest, but that was a not a problem for Leo. Because he only loved mature women in his entire life. Milf, cougars and such more.

"Ho, a young royal half blood. I see that you have quite the love as me in certain women. Do you wish to help me take revenge upon those disgusting fake royals?"

"Of course, they shouldn't have even existed if you ask me." Of course they were just innocent men who did great things for the land of men, and yet there were people like this nasty priest, but hey is Leo better than him? Not really, Leo isn't the type of guy to be on the justice side of things. He needed to soft up to this disgusting priest. In order to gain two abilities he needed from him.

[Affinity with the priest 1.000 points+]

"Oh, of course someone such as you and me could realize how lowly they are. Here I will give you this skill, that will help you get any women you need with just a look into her lovely eyes"

[Skill-book : The Pure Eyes Of Love.

Skill-rank : C+.

Skill type : Passive.

Aptitude mana type : Light.


A skill created by the perverted Light Priest Aman, as long as the user of the skill is calm and collective, any women looking into his eyes would start to have affections towards him, if the women is a beautiful milf the skill would raise her affection towards you far higher than expected.]

"Thank you dear senior. I am beyond grateful for your generosity." Leo was more than happy with this skill, because one of the three most powerful rankers in existence was a woman and a milf at that. Which means that if he were to find her, he must trap her for himself into a one sided love for him.

[Affinity: 2.000 points+]

"I wish you all the best and I'll pray for you to succeed my dear junior!" Aman spoke while landing his hands on shoulders of Leo, looking at him like he was his parent sending a child to a school trip for the first time.

[Triggered A Hidden S Rank Quest]

Title : Take Unjust Revenge For The Perverted Light Priest Aman.

Deadline : 10 hours.

Upon Failure : Getting your account permanently deleted.

Description : Aman had it all, money and fame. He was loved by everyone, until his dark secrets were revealed by a mercenary group called "Fake Royals" losing everything he had. Kill them all and receive great rewards.

Difficulty : S+

Remark : Upon finishing the quest for 1 hour , you would be given 50 percent more Xp and Gold.

Rewards : Hidden.


"Yes" Leo accepted the quest, and learned the skill from the skill book. Running fast, wanting to finish it as fast as possible. He finally found the shop he needed to buy the potion from. Entering the shop, on the counter there a curvy and marvelous beauty was sitting down.

"Oh my, a royal of both races? How fascinating it is to see one myself" As soon as her eyes met his, she started to develop some feelings of attraction for him, however being an experienced women she did her best to hide it. "What can I help you my beautiful Lord~?"

"I need the rare grade Illusion potion for myself, how much is it?" Leo asked despite him knowing the price, he wanted to test his new pure eyes. If they were to help him compromise even prizes with the opposite gender, that would be too op.

"hmm~, since you are a newcomer I will give you 50% off so 250 G. But you will owe me one, how does the deal sound?" She couldn't control herself after having a long conversation with him, she needed to have some sorts of connection with him, in order to come in contact with the unknown beautiful man standing in front of her.

Leo was hesitant to accept the tempting deal, asking her a question in order to confirm what she wanted. "How much is my debt severe to you then?"

"Hm~, don't be wary now. It's nothing major, I swear upon my Deity." The unknown woman said standing up and looking at Leo's eyes more.

"Fine, I will accept" Leo replied to her words in confident and calm tone. Taking out the 250G, and then he proceeded to give her the money in hand. Receiving the potion he needed the most.

"See you again my dear customer~"The shopkeeper sent her goodbyes, giving a flying kiss towards Leo.

"Hope we don't see each other again." Leo thought to himself, the skill was excellent, but that woman was surely from the dark faction. Yet he decided to hide his concerns with a fake smile on his face and a wave from his right hand, running off to the inner city of the Blue Empire.

He sat at the rooftop of the 4th highest building in the inner city, looking down he saw the mercenaries and guards. He waited for the festival to start, that was made by fake royals for the public. Many happy people clapped their hands in enjoyment while drinking. Now was the time for him to splash his potion. The major condition for the potion to work on 80% of success, was that he needed to splash the potion on the majority citizens of the city. As such when the majority was located all together, being happy and dancing. He splashed the potion.

He ran down as people slowly started to see horns on the fake royals leaders, then a tall young man came in yelling. "FAKE ROYALS ARE DEVILS PRACTITIONERS" that young man was of course Leo. The guards looked towards their employees and spotted horns on their heads.

"HOW DARE YOU !! EVEN IF YOU ARE ROYALTY YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FALSELY ACCUS-"Before one of the leaders could even finish his sentence, his head was sent flying by a sword of a single guards. It was a one way slaughter, blood was all over the street.

One of the guards came up to Leo and bowed down." Thank you Lord Viscount, we were foolish to not see their true faces"

"It is fine, people make mistakes, but do not repeat it again for the safety of the people." Leo replied to the guard.