Chapter 8 : Loved By The Gods.

It has been 20 hours (in game )since Leo logged in the game, he has achieved great feats but now he needed to reach level 5 and finish a great SSS job promotion. He had a lot to finish on his plate, so he first went down to the main hub. To take in the guest that would get him to level 5.

As he walked into the hub, there was a man sitting on the recipients table. Unfazed seeing him and then bowing apologetically. "Oh…I apologize for my rude behavior great Viscount, how may I be of help to you?"

"Give me your highest difficulty quest of level 5." Leon replied unbothered by the actions of the man in front of him.

"Yes..right away" he quickly grabbed the quest of the Alpha Woolf. Then he placed it on the table for the great Viscount to see if he likes it or not.

[Triggered A Normal Rank Guest.

Title : Kill the Alpha Woolf.

Deadline : 7 days.

Upon Failure : Losing 1 level.

Description : Kill the boss monster Alfa Wolf and bring his head and core for compromise of the rewards.

Difficulty : C-.

Remark : Upon finishing the quest within the day, you might get a bonus of gold for 10 %. to your contributions.

Rewards : 2.000 EXP, 50 G( without the head and the core]


"Yes I'll take it." Leo accepted the quest from the tall and handsome man, walking outside he started running at inhuman pace to the wild forest. Where the boss monster he needed to kill laid.

Leon equipped his spearman gear, feeling a burst of power inside him. He may be a level 4 but currently he was an equal to a level 14 NPC or player with ease. However even with this boost it will be extremely difficult for him to defeat the Alpha Wolf, not because of his own strength, rather that he is surrounded with 100 Lesser Wolfs. Sure dealing with 5 Lesser Wolfs would be an easy job for Leo, but 100 attacking you at the same time from both sides was impossible to defend or attack against. So he had to kill the Alpha Wolf within two hits and then run with the corpse while being chased down. How will he do it? Well simple he just has to slash the tail of the dammed wolf, and half of it's EXP will be taken down. If it wasn't for the "Medusas Ring" he wouldn't even think of taking this hellish quest. As soon as the Alpha wolf lowered it's guard, Leo threw his spear at him. Slicing his entire tail as the spear stroke down to earth.

[Alpha Wolf: Boss Monster.

State: Angered and Injured.

HP : 6.765 / 12,765.]

He quickly dropped down, and yelled out "FREEZE" the command made Alpha Wolf to freeze in a helpless and fearful state, moving whatsoever for the next 1.5 seconds was not possible for the mighty leader of the wolfs, in which Leo grabbed the chance he was offered with grabbing his spear from the ground and sliced the head off the Alpha using his spear base technique, causing all of the 100 less wolf to run in anger from both sides.

[Alpha Wolf : Boss monster:

HP : 0 / 12,765]

He grabbed the core from the corpse, storing it in his inventory alongside the head, jumping on a highest tree, and then running away as much as he could. The Lesser Wolfs weren't as intelligent as goblins, their intelligence was low, so outrunning them was easy as they stopped chasing him once he was far away from their grasp.

[Congratulations player Leon Heart, for you have been the first otherworlder to solo defeat a boss monster. Reward for this achievement: Unique title: Suicidal Lunatic.

"What.."Leo was out of breath, but before he could even take a breathe in the system urgently asked him a question.

[Do you wish to announce to the entire world of your achievement? Your fame will raise up astronomically!


"Yes" Leo replied trying to catch his breath.

[Congratulations to the player Leon Heart for being the first player to solo kill the boss monster : Alpha Wolf in the wild forest of the ***** Empire.]

[Reward : 87.000 fame points.]

(Authors note: the rewards for the world announcement is multiplied by times 10. Originally if Leo hadn't announced his achievements to the world, he would've earned 8,700 fame points and less attention from the Gods.)

[Titles earned : Suicidal Lunatic, First Otherworlder Earl.]

"Open the details of the title Suicidal Lunatic" Leo shouted in curiosity to see the details of his new unique title.

[Suicidal Lunatic:

Rank : Epic

Description :

You are a nut job that should not be reckoned with, under the command "Lunatic" you would have an eager desire to kill your opponent with a boost of 100% to all stats. However you can only use it once per day, upon usage of this command you would feel extreme amount of pain after the buff duration of 5 minutes.]

"This could be extremely useful, if I managed to use it in my favor." Leo thought to himself as he was walking towards the main hub to receive his rewards. As soon as he walked in the hub, the unknown man was shaken as the young man walking across him had just been missing for 40 minutes, but he was holding the head and the core of the fearless beast like it was nothing. "Dear Odin…" the man said his deity's name in fear.

"There ya go" Leo said happily lowering the head and the core of the beast on the table, waiting for the response of the man that was examining the materials.

"The core isn't in perfect condition, but sir great Earl it's still good. I will give you 100 G for it. And the head is in good piece as well, 20 G should be the exact same prize you could get anywhere. Do we have a deal?" The man asked Leo expending his hand to confirm their deal.

Leo was satisfied with the offer and shook the hand of the strange man, in which his quest got completed.

[Congratulations player Leon Heart, for you have succeeded in completing the normal mission "Kill The Alpha Wolf"

Time completion : 54:78.

Rewards :

2.000+ EXP

187+ G.]