Chapter 27 : Irritated.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?" A man that wears a white cloak, chains that erupted from his palm pushed a man that seemed to be half-naked.

"YOU MORON, I TOLD YOU WHY I GAVE HIM A THAT JOB!!!" The half-naked man yelled back at the white cloak man that prepared his chains to fight with him. Unlike the angered man, he wasn't interested in fighting.

"Ugh, what do I do with you..." The white-cloaked man grabbed his head hard in anger at his partner's actions.

"We are f*cked if those Outer Gods decide to fight us!!! I don't care if I get punished for this, I gave a good job to a man that can save my existence in the future!!!"The half-naked man complained again. He didn't care about rules anymore. If they don't help the next generation of promising youth, they are doomed including him as well.


Leo finished his second-job promotion, he then started to walk away as he gave his goodbyes to the old blind man and the dumb blonde woman who wasted his time previously. Because of his promotion, notifications of leveling up bothered him. He almost tripped at the stairs because they blocked his view. He wanted to get away safely, but a group of players pushed him behind his back.

"Loser, who are you to dare to even walk the same path as me?!" The fat and ugly girl complained in frustration for dumb reasons at Leo. Then she called out a group of her friends. Who to Leo seemed more like the slaves she abused. The 8 stupid men attacked Leo together, only for their weapons to get destroyed as the edges of swords came close to him.



"You cheated!!"

"Dumbass he didn't cheat, he has a special skill probably." The fat woman sighed at her idiotic group.

[Player Leon Heart was attacked, he can now attack back and kill for EXP.]

Leo saw the notification bar that allowed him to attack, he then called upon Rose. Rose erupted from his right hand, then Leo gripped her tightly. With one swing, Leo decapitated all eight men.

[+1.000 EXP]

[+1.000 EXP]

[+1.000 EXP]

[+1.000 EXP]


"What... Are you?.." The fat and lousy woman asked in horror.

"Ah, I am going to be your punisher, what else~?" Leo laughed hysterically at her. Now he had reasons to torture her well. She was the one who attacked him, so it's justified for him to torture her.

"You..." She used her skill "Eyes Of Angel", and saw all of his information being hidden by question marks, but what she saw was that he had a second job. Before she could beg for forgiveness, Leo knocked her out. He then used a teleportation stone he purchased not too long ago to teleport to the location where the hidden Quest he wanted to do was placed at.

"Ugh, where am I?...."The fat woman opened her eyes to see a hideous monster trying its best to eat her head, before she could scream she noticed that both of her hands were chopped off. "AHHHHH" She screamed in terror.

"Excellent, you are a good fat pig!" Leo clapped his hands together, enjoying as he watched his trap working out at the monster he didn't feel like fighting, instead he used the fat pig woman as a trap for the monster.

"WHY CAN'T I LOG OUT? The fat woman with crying eyes asked Leo. But Leo did not care about what she wanted to know. Leo then slashed the path that is separated the ugly woman from the hideous monster with his bare right hand, allowing the monster to eat her face. She cried and screamed in pain until she died and erupted in pixels.

"Amazing!" Leo smiled standing up on his feet. He was entertained so much that even the tournament won't give him as much joy.

The monster then turned its head to Leo, running to kill him as well. But when the monster approached Leo, Leo slashed once vertically with his right hand again, cutting the furious monster full of blood in half. His Divine Tiger Art was changing his body into a powerful unbreakable mountain.

However, the side effects of such Art are terrible in Leo's case. If Divine Tiger Art continues to force his desires out, he won't be able to control himself. At this point, humanity has not reached the apocalypse stage, and everyone else would look at him as a freak. "How frustrating…" Leo spoke to himself.

After a long dialogue between himself, Leo walked towards the corpse of the once-powerful crab beast and took its heart out. He needed the heart of this monster to help Nyx's descendant who was dying. With this heart, she will be fully healed. And he will receive bountiful rewards from the most powerful Entity of the Greek Faction.

"I could only pray that she won't dislike me at first sight…" Leo sighed deeply, grabbing the heart tightly. Nyx is known to be very picky when it came to giving gifts to certain people. Leo then jumped up, landing on a tree. It seems he is almost at the destination of the severely ill girl.

Leo jumped down to the ground that was sited in front of the house, walking to the house he noticed how the house was ruined. It didn't have a stable roof, to begin with. The walls were almost smashed down. "Why would someone like Nyx allow her own blood to be this badly treated?" Leo asked himself, finally arriving at the entrance. He knocked on the old door.

"How may I help you....SIR NIGHT!?" A woman that was holding the door inside her house screamed in confusion. To Leo's surprise, it was the same loud woman he met at the promotion center.

"I came to help a certain girl." Leo said aggressively as he moved the door in front of him with force. The blonde woman with blue eyes fell on her butt. She still couldn't grasp why someone like Leo would go out of his way to help her younger sister.

"Don't worry, I have something that she will need to eat raw, with this raw heart she will be just like any normal kid her age." Leo explained everything he was going to do with the little girl quickly.

"Are you sure Sir Night? We tried everything possible to heal her. We even spent all our savings and our home to buy healers for aid, but they didn't know what was wrong with her-" The young woman started explaining her situation to Leo. She felt embarrassed that she let all her struggles to someone she didn't know personally.

"It's fine, trust me um- What is your name?" Leo asked her.

"Uh, how rude of me! My name is Emilia. It is my pleasure to let you know my name!" Emilia answered back. Leo nodded to her response.

"Well Emilia, can you tell where your little sister is sleeping? We don't have much time." Leo said looking a bit nervous. In his previous life, there weren't any more details on this hidden quest. The unknown Ranker only mentioned how the girl needed to eat the heart raw.

Emilia nodded her head to Leo's demand, then she moved closer to the room where her younger sister was sleeping. Opening the door and waking her up.

"Sister...? What's wrong?" The little elf girl with purple hair, red eyes, and white pale skin asked her sister confused. But then she saw a beautiful huge man. He was like a prince on a white horse to the young elf.

"Eat this slowly. It will enable you to live normally again." Leo smiled at the little elf, passing her the small heart. She started to bit on it and felt as if she was healing from her poisonous wounds. When she finished her meal, her wounds slowly started to fade out. She screamed in joy and jumped out of her bed just like any other regular kid.

In this scene, Emilia started to cry. Hugging her sister tightly, she finally could see her angel smiling without feeling her never-ending pain.