Chapter 37 : The Guild Tournament (CLOSE COMBAT) 7.

"Impossible...Can he see me at a such young age?" The golden coin did not expect that a young man like Leo, to be capable of seeing his spirit form. The coin knew Leo belonged to the Asgard, even so, there was not a single Night who could see his spirit form that young as Leo.

"Damn it, we lost." Mystic let out a deep sigh of disappointment. He probably could cover his class changes as hidden skills to the public to keep his identity hidden from other coin masters.

"JOTARO IS MOVING UP TO HIS SECOND FIGHT." The bald black man yelled once again, although this time he looked happier. The fight must have excited him so much to the point where he began to smile.

"That berserker's skill is beautiful. I have not seen many berserkers that use their brains." Emilia giggled as she commented on the match she witnessed.

"Indeed, even I was surprised that he was close to creating a black hole." Leo answered back to Amelia's review on Jotaro's special skill.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LET US WELCOME OUR NEXT PARTICIPANTS. THE NEXT MATCH IS DECO AGAINST JIN!" The bald black man announced the next participants. Everyone clapped their hands in joy.

At the left corner, Deco came out. She had black armor with dragon signs all over the armor in the color white. One could say that she looked in her early 20s. Her hair was dirty blonde and short.

"Interesting, I even got a Monarch's knight in training in my guild. Although I am surprised that she is a he." Leo proclaimed to everyone that sat around him which made them surprised. They did not expect a woman with big boobs to be a man.

"I wonder to which Monarch Jin belongs."Emilia spoke to everyone, her interest in Leo had reached a huge turn ever since she saw the talents he had in his guild. Having a talent for the battlefield is another thing but having a talent for ruling makes one stand above all. A strong ruler that had an eye to pick powerful subjects is rare to find nowadays.

"Hm, a male that has a female chest. There is only one Monarch I have in mind. The weakest Monarch, The Monarch of Love." Amelia answered everyone's questions. Contrary to everyone's reaction, Leo was shocked when he heard the name of the Monarch.

"Weakest in battle maybe…She is one the most powerful Monarch of all with her ability alone, that bitch knew how to hide her power until the very end. Not even her followers knew the true meaning behind her manipulation of love." Leo yelled in his mind, the thought of that bitch Monarch having everybody fooled in this life was expected but to the point where someone like Amelia didn't know it was concerning to him at least. He is no longer a nobody, he is the biggest star on this stage, so it's only natural that he is wanted by the most powerful Rulers and Gods.

Just as Leo was occupied by his thoughts again, Jin walked slowly to the main stage. He was a man of above-average height, he had dark skin and eyes of the color bright purple. His face resembled that of a model. On his hips, there were sets of two normal daggers. There was nothing on him that was special, he had the normal equipment of an assassin. Everyone was confused about how could someone with such shabby equipment be on the same level as the rest of the participants.

"Hm, never judge a book by its cover. I believe that suits this little boy named Jin." Layla voiced her opinion to Leo and he plastered on his face an expression of curiosity. He did not sense any powerful mana or aura around him, seeing that someone like Layla acknowledged Jin, made Leo more interested in what Jin stored for him.

The battle has started. Jin went on to hide in the shadows of the public, he didn't want to waste time against his opponent and awaited the perfect chance to attack from behind. But to Jin's demise Deco has not moved from his position. He just smiled, he then proceeded to provoke Jin by making chicken noises. The crowd did like the jokes from the knight. They all clapped their hands in acknowledgment of the joke.

But Jin did not react to Deco's joke. Instead, he was waiting for him to drop his guard. And just as he did he used the skill "Thief's drop", jumping from Deco's shadow he used his opportunity to slay the head of his enemy clean with his two daggers, Deco expected this situation and blocked the incoming attack effortlessly turning around using his sword.

The clash of steel echoed throughout the arena, everyone was silent. Nobody yelled for their favorites, everyone was watching in silence. Deco moved his body to the side but instead of moving closer to Jin to close the distance between them, he moved even further away. Then his sword was coated in dark lighting. Jin seeing this took an opportunity to run away from the incoming blast attack, he used his ability to travel through shadows and hid in one of them. Jin thought he was safe from any large attacks. Nobody has been able to go through his shadows throughout his experience of this game.

"Chaos Storm" Deco swung his sword violently as a huge storm erupted through the tip of his sword, the huge storm itself formed in a small storm, traveling in the shadows to find Jin and kill him. Before Jin could comprehend what happened, the little storm found its way to him. Thankfully for his senses, he was able to dodge his death, but he could not save his right arm and his right leg. They both got taken by the storm putting him in a vulnerable position.

"Come out now, stop hiding! You are making me less wet~" Deco spoke in hopes that Jin would reply.