"You sent me a bottle of wine yesterday in the restaurant. May I have it?" Hazel asked carefully, she knew that the wine was expensive, but it was only a few hours ago that she figured out the rough price of it and she was dumbfounded.

"You want to drink it?" When Micah sent the bottle of wine, he forgot that Hazel was only nineteen years old this time around.

"No…" Hazel waved her hands. I want to sell it. Well, she was broke, and needed money very much. Based on what she found, she could rent a small apartment for herself and last for six months with the money before she got a job.

Of course, Micah heard those thoughts and the ridiculous plan in her mind. Why would she want to rent a small apartment when Micah could give her everything?

"Here." Micah fished something out of his pocket and put down a black card on the table. "Use this if you want something."

Hazel immediately recognized that card. That was the black card that Stefan had been drooling over. He would gush how privileged and great it could be to have that kind of card, since only important people would be able to own it.

See? Even her father and her scumbag ex didn't have it, but this man handed her the card, as if it was nothing.

"Wait, what is it?"

"A black card."

"No." Hazel shook her head and then looked at him closely. "You know what I mean, since you can read my mind." At least, she could find it useful at moments like this, as he could read her mind.

Micah chuckled a little bit and leaned his body over to be close to her. "I will take care of you."

Hazel found herself a little bit dizzy by his scent, she felt like she was drunk by this intoxicating smell, which made her want to lean closer and smell him… damn. What was wrong with her? She had never felt a carnal desire that strong before, not even with Stefan.

But now, her throat was dry and she wanted to be closer to him, even though her voice was so hoarse when she spoke. "What do you mean?" That sounded very seductive, part of her felt ashamed to feel this way, but part of her really wanted to have his hands all over her body.

"I will fulfill all of your wishes and desires." Micah caressed her ear gently with his lips. He didn't really kiss her, but the light graze still made Hazel shudder, she could feel the knot in her stomach tighten.

Hazel cleared her throat, as she changed her sitting position slightly, so she could have a little bit of space away from him. The tension simply drove her insane.

"Like… like what?" she stuttered and this was really embarrassing. "Like me… being your sugar baby? How old are you?" She knew about this, wealthy men liked to play with young girls in the name of 'taking care of all their needs'.

Hazel completely forgot about the fact that Micah was a supernatural creature and all the alpha stuff that they were talking about earlier.

Couldn't place the blame on her, since her mind was in a mess and her carnal desire was all over the place.

"Give me a break, I can sense you from a distance." Archer entered the dining room with a stack of documents in his hands and put them down on the table, while he looked at Hazel. "Alpha, this is dangerous, you shouldn't tempt her."

"What? What do you sense?" Hazel was on high alert, she widened her eyes, mortified, because she was worried, he could read her mind.

"I don't need to read your mind."

"You just did now," Hazel hissed, her voice filled with accusation. What a liar…

"I can sense your…" arousal.

But, Archer didn't get to finish his last word, since his alpha shot him a dagger look, which effectively shut him up.

"My… what?" The fact that Archer Ashdown had just talked to her naturally didn't come to her attention at this moment, since there were a lot of things going on in a very short time and Hazel was still trying to discern everything.

Yet, Archer raised his hands and smiled cheekily at her, as he rushed toward the door, leaving them alone there. "We will talk a lot in the future. For now, I have to dismiss myself. By Luna!"

After saying that, Archer closed the door, letting the silence ensue.

"Hm… do you want to explain it?"

"What do you want to know?" Micah put his hand on the back of her seat, but she felt her neck was very hot.

Everything. Hazel wanted to know everything, she didn't even know where to begin with her questions.


There was something weird when the night fell and Micah took Gillian's role to show her this huge manor like house. He picked up where he left and showed the other places that Gillian had not yet shown her.

However, there was something odd, Hazel didn't see anyone there, as if there were only the two of them in this massive building, while in this morning, every corridor was filled with many men in uniform. Supposedly, they were the guards, at least that was what Gillian told her.

"Are the guards not on duty tonight?" Hazel asked Micah, when they walked through the back garden, which was filled with various flowers in the color of white, while the moon shone brightly above their heads. Tonight was a full moon.

"I sent them away," Micah replied.

"All of them?"

"All of them."

"Why?" Hazel was confused, didn't they need guards more at night?

"Because I don't want them to be here tonight."


Micah smiled at Hazel and when he caressed her cheek, the spark erupted from his touch made her gasp. She could feel this odd knot in her stomach again.



Meet me on Instagram @jikan_yo_tomare.