Blind Dates

n the final day of their trip, Ava was in her room packing to leave for the airport when she heard a knock on her room door. Wondering who it was she paused what she was doing, and went to check who was at the door.

She was surprised to find Mason leaning against the door frame his arms crossed over his chest, a lazy smile on his face. Ava took in his appearance and saw he had already changed from the suit he was putting on earlier into something more casual, a black turtle neck shirt, a black leather jacket on a black Jean trousers. She never thought could look so good on someone.

"I'm already packing for us to leave, I will be done soon," Ava said thinking he had come to ask her to hurry up for them to leave for the airport, although it wasn't yet the time he told her they would be leaving for the airport.

Mason continued smiling, "that's not why I'm here," he said.