Who Would Have Thought?

Maddie's eyes almost popped out of their sockets as they widened in shock.

"What did you just say?" Maddie asked, her voice raised, she was almost shouting.

"I found out about it today," Ava said in low voice. "I was as shocked as you are when I found out. I'm still shocked." She felt more anger than shock.

"Are you sure? Are you .." Maddie paused as she tried to make sense of what Ava just said. "It doesn't make any sense, like Mason? As in your husband? Hold on a sec... Ava, are you sure?"

"He was the one who hit us, Maddie, I saw pictures, and Mason himself confirmed it when I showed him the pictures."

"What the hell? Mason truly did that?" This time Maddie was shouting. "But why? I don't understand this, if he was the one who did it, then why didn't he say anything all this while? Why was he silent?"

Ava bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from crying. She has been crying too much and needed to pull herself together.