What Really Happened (*unedited)

Ava closed her eyes and kneaded her temple, slowly shaking her head.

"Wait for a second," she said."First of all, you saw your father disposing of a dead and you followed him? Weren't scared or something?"

Mason shrugged," before then, I had quite suspected my father of being involved in some shady deals. So that night was a confirmation. I had followed him out of curiosity, to know just how much of a bad guy he was."

Mason remembered not being able to sleep that night because of what he had seen. He had nightmares for days because of it.

"Wow..." Ava blew out a breath. She continued to knead her temple. When Mason had told her that his father used to hit him as a child, the little likeness and respect that she had for him was gone, but hearing that he is a murderer? And now Mason is saying he doesn't remember anything from the night of the accident. Could his father be behind the accident? Ava wondered.