It Can't Be

Layla tried not to be sad. She was about to be discharged from the hospital and her parents were nowhere in sight to take her home. Since the last time they briefly showed up, they never showed up again. They didn't even bother to call once to know how she was doing.

"The doctor said your parents already settled the bills. I think they might have done a transfer or something," Sarah said as she folded Layla's things for them to leave.

"I guess I should be grateful. At least they remembered to pay the hospital bill," Layla said with a sigh.

"The good thing is that you are better now," Sarah said.

"Yeah," Layla nodded.

She was sitting on the hospital bed dressed in a polo and blue jean waiting for them to go home. Her chest no longer hurt like it used to, the wound was healing.

"Don't look so sad, I'm sure they will…."