It Went Well

Mason was all smiles as he went back home. Meeting with Brad had turned out way better than he had expected.

He enjoyed talking to him. And if not for the fact that he needed to get back home on time so he can celebrate with Ava as he had promised her, he would have loved to spend more time with Brad.

Even Brad didn't want Mason to leave, he kept bombarding him with questions. It was as if he wanted to know all about Mason at once and he wanted to catch up on all of Mason's life that he had missed.

At some point, he would lean back and say, "you are really my son?"

When Mason was leaving, Brad pulled him into a tight hug, promising to invite him over to his home to have dinner with him and his family.

"You need to meet your siblings," Brad had said.

Mason handed him his card and took Brad's phone number as well. He promised to call.

Ava was lying in bed reading a novel when Mason got back.