Ready For Sex?

Ava and Maddie were both silent they did not understand why Layla was announcing to them that she wants to start having sex with her boyfriend.

"It's kind of a big deal for me because I have never had sex before, Dan is going to be my first," Layla said in a low tone.

"For real? You are a virgin?" Maddie asked.

"Don't shout, bring down your voice," Layla said looking in the direction Theresa had just gone after serving them snacks and drinks.

"You shouldn't be ashamed about it. It's something that you should be proud of," Maddie said.

"It's nothing to be proud of, everyone has done it, and I haven't. At twenty-one, I will be turning twenty-two soon and I'm still a virgin. Some girls laughed at me when I was nineteen, they said I was too old to be a virgin. It's the reason I can't say it out."