It’s Christmas

Layla couldn't stop herself from smiling as she read the note again.

Jason had been right here in her bedroom while she was sleeping. If he says Sarah didn't allow him in, how then did he get in?

She go off the bed and went to check her window. It was locked from the inside, so how did Jason enter her room? And how did he leave without being seen?

Layla could tell it hadn't been long since he left for she could still perceive the faint smell of his cologne.

She folded the note and tucked it in her panties drawer. She can't have her mother see it, as that would cause more trouble for her. Her parents already made it clear that they don't want her anywhere near the Taylors.

Layla went to sit by her window looking outside. Everywhere was covered with snow. From her window, she could see kids trying to make snowmen with the snow.