Emily’s Diary

When Stan got back downstairs, Emily's mother was still sitting in front of the television.

This time she was watching a documentary. As she heard Stan walk into the living room she turned off the television.

"Did you find anything?" She asked. She seemed hopeful.

Stan slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry to have raised your hope, I didn't find anything useful in there."

Emily's sighed, she looked away from Stan's face as tears pooled in her eyes.

Stan came to where she was and sat down on the sofa that was adjacent to hers.

Stan brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Thanks," she took it from him and dabbed her eyes with it.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I am working hard to make sure that Emily is found."

Emily's mother gave him a weak smile. "I know you are. And I truly do appreciate your help."