Is Love Enough?

Jason was sitting in the living room of his new home watching his grandmother giving the movers a hard time about where and how they should place the things.

Unlike his former place, this place was much larger with four bedrooms.


"Have you thought about it?" Mason asked as he walked into the living room.


Jason turned to look at him. "Thought about what?" He asked.


"Taking Sarah as your housekeeper. So far we haven't gotten any other suitable candidate for the job."


"Do you think that's a good idea? I really don't know if employing her would be such a wise decision," Jason said.


"At first I was a little skeptical about it until I met with her, she seemed okay to me, and then I also had Stan look into her, she checks out."


"Having someone who used to work for Ben Franklin in my home….." He inhaled deeply. "It sort of feels… I don't know… weird sort of."