Doing It Right

Layla was sitting on her bed with her feet curled under her, flanked on both sides were Ava and Maddie. They were all sharing a large cup of ice cream while watching a movie on Layla's laptop.

Layla's phone started ringing, interrupting them, when she checked it and saw it was Jason calling, she ignored the call.

"Aren't you going to take that?" Maddie asked her.

"No," she replied, with her eyes focused on her laptop screen, even if she could no longer hear what was being said in the movie.

Jason's calls do that to her, every time he calls her, she seems to lose focus. It's been one week since he asked for them to get back together. She hasn't given him a response and she hasn't been taking his calls. She has practically been avoiding him.

"It's Jason, isn't it?" Ava asked as she eyed Layla's phone screen.

Layla sighed as she put her phone on silent and tossed it under her pillow.