"Whatever you say, sir." And that they waited and waited and waited and waited and waited until the bounty hunter had defeated the guardian but he then drew his attention to Cal and immediately went for the attack, "you're coming with me!" Cal and the others tried to fight back but they were no match for him so they had no choice but to retreat. The soldiers had no choice but unfortunately for Cal, his ship was shot down and was abandoned by his squad, "sorry soldier who can't afford any more deaths to our units, we'll you remember you as a hero, 9999 out!" 'Connection with the fleet has been disconnected:' Cal was furious and broke the comms, he was in a vulnerable and dangerous position that become easier for the bounty hunter, "looks like the bounty has become easier for me." Cal attempted to avoid the bounty hunter.

"Why... Are... You... After... Me!" Cal attacked the hunter on his helmet which wasn't effective but was enough to hit rock bottom. The bounty hunter groaned while Cal escaped the bounty hunter. He walked the sands of Yìkshìnà and was exhausted by the countless walking but it all paid off when he came across a town, the people looked at him with a cautious eye. Cal was still wearing his suit, he entered a pub, and as he entered inside, all the people gave him cold stares, "what it'll be?" Asked the bartender, "I'll have a whisky." Their cold stares from the pub were not helping Cal with the bounty hunter after him, "here's your whisky... Don't mind me asking but... Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be with those crooked fleet." Cal chuckled lightly and replied, "well funny you say that because they left me to die while some bounty hunter was after my backside, I had no choice but to join them since the planet that I was in before had been destroyed."

The doors opened again to show the bounty hunter after them again, "now I have you!" The bounty hunter approached Cal. Cal attacked the hunter and made a getaway to somewhere safe, he then came face to face with a familiar face, "short time no see eh buddy?" Cal smacked him, it was the man that Cal had taken to the workshop, Cal made a run for it knowing that he was after him. "Man this kid is the stubborn type!" Cal didn't have much to go since the ten knew that they were after him, "Cal listen to me, I know you want answers to what happened back in Bêydia but I promise that I will answer all of your questions."

Cal couldn't afford to believe his lies but then another bounty hunter arrived and instantly knocked them both out, she dragged Cal away from the stranger and into her ship, when he woke up, he found himself in a ship that was leaving the planets orbit. The bounty hunter pointed a gun at Cal, "don't even think of attacking me, I am here to save you but in return, you have to help me look for something, do we have a deal?... I said do we have a deal?" Cal reluctantly agreed and she focused on the road. "Names Phen by the way, Phen the Stalker, heard of me right?" Cal looked as if he never met nor heard about her ever. "Have it your way but remember that you're assisting me now don't forget that." 'Approaching the Planet Bêydia of the Andromeda Galaxy in T minus one minute'.

"Cool ship, it's way better than any other ship I've seen, you must have invested a lot in this... Okay, nice chatting with you... I've only got 5 Zonium left, I don't know what this is going to buy but I hope there's a good deal happening." They arrived in Bêydia and it surprisingly hasn't exploded yet, "get yourself ready, you're going to be ready to help me find a map that your boss Venom had before getting killed by those Imperial brats, surely he would have been smart and hid it." Cal left the ship to back to the workshop, "I'm not glad to be back here, I wish everything could go differently before the assault." Cal went inside while being careful about the cracks, he entered the workshop and see the damage around him as he was making his way to his boss's office, he saw his boss's dead carcass on the side as there was somewhat of a fight had occurred.

Cal looked around him and saw that there wasn't anything that seemed to be important bu he then found a note addressed to Cal, "Cal if you are reading this then I am soon to be dead, they are after something called the lost shard and they must not find what they are looking for, they need the hybrid of the shard which I have kept safe for almost 19 years, and now I have bestowed it to you, make sure that when you find it... You must not allow this to go into the wrong hands, im sorry that I couldn't give you your final paycheck so I have left almost all of my Zonium, use it well use it wisely. Your friend and your boss, Venom." Cal looked in the envelope and saw the money. "1 million Zonium."