"First off, release all of the prisoners." But the security bot refused, "that's not available unless the request has been given by the general." Cal dug into his pocket and brought out his number tag, the bot scanned it, "general 5555, how may I be of service?" Cal tried it again, "Release all of the prisoners." The bot did what it was told and all of the soldiers were immediately stung by the Archmain that still had to fight in them, Cal made sure that they were safe from the soldiers, "Up there!! Isn't that Soldier 0132?" The soldiers realised who it was, "wait for a second, it's general 5555, the one rhat the captain abandoned, this means big boys, we can get a big promotion from..." They then shot each other until they were all wiped out, Cal found himself cornered, when the Archmain that saved Cal came bursting in and attacked the soldiers.

It signalled Cal to run to the escape route while the Archmain dealt with the soldiers that were battling the Ããchkaawian, Cal ran outside only to be attacked by a cloaked figure, "so you must be the one that I owe gratitude to, dont be alarmed by what I did and what I am, I came here to give you my thanks and offer my service to you." The figure threw Cal a blade but it wasn't a blade but it was an Arkomanan blade, "that's correct, it is an Arkomanan blade, you thought they were only legends but it's more than that, I can show you but our time is cut short and I have to time to get you up to date, as they say in ngulpi chêbungẽ (meaning admire life) but I say ngulpi iigchand (meaning admire power/energy) ... Farewell."

With that, the figure made his escape, Cal had more important things to worry about, Cal made his way to the battlefield, NOT, using the blade that the stranger had given him because he felt sceptical about using it, instead, he used the soldier's blasters to take down some of the soldiers until the exterior of the base was ripped from the inside by the Archmain as they pledge vengeance, they stung the soldiers, most were shooting and killing one another while some were being healed by it. "OVER THERE!! 0132... No, it's 5555, he's freed the prisoned Archmain, the general will be glad to see him." They had Cal cornered and he surrendered, they handcuffed him and sent him to their general who turned out to be Ku. Ku looked different to what Cal saw him before, "well if it isn't my FORMER co-worker, how have you been?"

Cal couldn't stand to look at what Ku had become, "what happened to you? You use to be... Friendlier!" Ku laughed it off and asked Cal the question again, Cal refused to answer so Ku sent him to be locked in a cage, "captain 9999 will be happy to see you, not that I and the squad will have a big reward from this." Cal snarled at Ku and questioned his judgement, "so this is what it's about? Money? Power? That's all you ever had to think of? Even after what happened to Venom? Ku, you're despicable!" Ku didnt believes what Cal had said, "no I am not what you call despicable, I am more of... What you call powerful and I can do so much." Cal knew that what Ku was doing was still evil but Ku was denying that he was evil, Cal was running out of ideas on what he could do in getting out of the cage.

Phen burst in the door and shot four of the soldiers while Ku made his escape, "how do you even cope without?" Phen opened the cage and they both went outside to spectate the battle, they saw many soldiers on the ground while Ããchkaawian corpses were lying on the ground, they watched as the Ããchkaawian were cheering and celebrating while some were mourning the death of their loved ones, the Archmain's saw Cal and signalled him to come and join them, "maybe we should, after all, we dont have a ship and Markuz's ship was taken and as for Markuz...." Phen imitated a slit on someone's throat meaning that Markuz had been killed but by whom? Cal thought about it and knew who it was likely to be. "Come on Phen, let's celebrate with the..." Cal felt a sudden shiver on his spine.

Something wasnt right. Ku watched in the forest as Cal and Phen were just celebrating with the Ããchkaawian and he was angered by what Cal had done. "I will get revenge on you... Just you..." Ku was then attacked by something as it dragged him to its nest. The Ããchkaawians thanked Cal for what he had accomplished for them, Cal didnt know their language but he did know one thing to say, "ngulpi chêbungẽ (meaning admire life)" the Ããchkaawians raised their swords with honour, and as they celebrated, they gave Cal a special item, they called it the 'Gauntlet of the Shadow' they say that it helps their adventure through their planet when it becomes dark and misty, Cal thanked them for this gift and they continued celebrating until the night had ended, it was morning and everyone was sleeping or too exhausted.