"Man am I hungry!" Valid was mad at Eight for what he had done, "well I am sorry that you have to be hungry when we could have been back home! Man up and let us find this nuisance!" Nooz was fed up with Eight and Valid, "enough! I am sick and tired of having to hear your pathetic arguing... If you can not work together then I will take charge..... But nothing Eight! Now... Do you want to carry on acting like babies or do you want to find this kid?" Valid and Eight agreed with Nooz, they came across a town where they find Cal being thrown out of the bar. "Alright, you want to take care of this one Eight." Eight smiled, "I thought you never ask." Eight went stomping in Cal's direction, "my, my, my, how the mighty have fallen... I think you have something for us... No? That's weird I remember... THIS!!!" Eight punched Cal leaving a dent in his right ear.

"What do you think we should do with..." Valid was attacked by a stranger, Nooz slowly walked toward the stranger and started to strangle him until he submitted defeat but he gave Cal enough time to escape the scene, "little smug... Kill him." Nooz killed the stranger leaving his body in blue. Cal ran away from the town as fast as he can, he could hear the angry screams of the hunters, Cal disguised himself with the burning sand, "I have a feeling that he is still... Here!!" Nooz exposed Cal's hiding spot and had him apprehended. They dragged Cal to an unknown location, he was strapped to a chair, "that butter they put in your popcorn, it's John Goodman's ballsack (laughs) get it?! You guys... Man screw you two, that was an excellent joke!"

"Define the working joke and we'll see if it's good or not Valid." Nooz examined Cal to see what was so special, "nothing really special about this kid... Makes me wonder why Rekxzan Dartha chooses him to be his student..." Valid came in and ranted on and on about his life, "Nooz there are many wonders around the world but not all of them are cool like mine, I remember my life back on Earth, Elon Musk being a loser and all of his rockets failing and his famous phrase, "never give up." I mean give up Musk, you had a chance and (barfs) .... man I miss Ireland." Eight was looking at Cal with dangerous eyes while Valid was too busy vomiting and for Nooz... "Aren't you 'The Eighth Zpyke?' Because if you are, why are you wasting your time looking for someone like me?"

Eight punched Cal in the face, "NEVER CALL ME BY THAT NAME!!!" Valid was laughing and vomiting as he was watching Eight best Cal up, "I will point out that he is correct about wasting our time for this kid... I mean look at him and he is supposed to be Rekxzan's student but then again he was an idiot at most times. Makes wonder why he spend most of his time in the Dhatlak Caves, they are D - A - N - G - E - R - O - U - S and I think he was one of two people to ever go there, the other guy was me but I only went there for a whizz but I instead get bitten by Marmalal snake and now im green with envy." Cal fell asleep after hearing Valid's rambling, Valid slapped Cal to wake up and listen more, "listen, Joker, we have no time for this... We are already running late because of this guy so we best find a ship and fast."

"Can we not request a ship from the boss?" Valid laughed maniacally, "are you kidding me? Eight here doesn't want to call the leader because he has his 'pride' to worry about and prefers to do things his way... My way kn the other hand is beating this kid up until he is my dog." Eight and Nooz felt like Valid was losing his mind and it was getting worse. "Don't mind me asking and hoping no one punches or slaps me or... Whatever I would like to know my captor's name please." Valid immediately introduced himself, "name is Clyde O'Donnell but people call me Valid because... Valid reasons. Hey, don't judge me okay? I do what I want to do."

"But that would be a lie." Valid denied what Nooz was saying, "well since we have no choice but to reveal our identities because of a certain someone... My name is Russel Zaphien but im called 'Eight' for a reason now why don't you spill the beans and tell us about you." Cal knew that Nooz was left behind, "im not saying anything until ALL of you have introduced yourself and you know who im on about." Nooz smiled and introduced herself, "my name Aki but im called Nooz because if you snooze you lose." Everyone found that clever, "now hit me with it kid, what happened and what have you been doing for the past 15 years?"